Chapter 8: Your Curious Eyes

Start from the beginning

That was embarrassing, How could you have not known?

"Mr.Kim.." you bowed respectfully at the man. Standing tall once again, you find yourself accidentally lay your curious brown orbs back to him, Jungkook.


The boy himself didn't move a single glance from you, soft bottom lips engraved between his teeth. You noticed how he casted his eyes along your figure ever so slightly, making your heart flexible enough to even do a full summersault.

Abruptly, Mr. Kim lets out a loud cough, nodding at Jungkook and you, showing both dimples on his puffy cheeks. "Well then, I should get going, we'll talk later Jungkook-ah."

Jungkook-ah? Are they close?

You once again bowed at the man, following his form walking towards the door, shutting it close behind his body and soon enough all you can possibly hear was the harsh beating of your heart.

"I didn't know you were a library kinda girl?"

His modulated voice chimed in, adverting your gaze, you turn around, particularly catching a cunning smile playing on his lips.

"Well.." letting your words hanging in the air, you noticed him lifting his eyebrows, eyes bright as he waits for your continuous words. You walk pass him, shoulder brushing softly against each other.

"We did just met, haven't we?"

You continued, giving him a final look before carrying yourself into one of the aisle, that was placed in front of you. A rack of books from variations of genres held placed before your view, as you walk through it calmly.

"Are you saying.. we should get to know more?".

Your lips parted, seeing the damned attractive boy was now standing right next to your own small figure.

Well isn't that a pleasing sight.

Oh boy, he's definitely muscular and taller than you thought.

His eyes catching yours, a playful small smile ghosted on his face. "Actually no, I didn't say that." You breathed out, walking faster than before, you were trying your hardest to ignore the sound of heavy steps following right behind you.

Not that it succeeded.

A low husky laugh entering your mind as you turn left into another aisle. His laugh is even more endearing oh holy mother, you bite your lips, struggling to not think of the abrupt pulling you felt viciously.

"Is that a rejection I hear? So I'm not allowed to be your friend?" The familiar tall frame once again enter your vision, appearing himself right at the corner of the aisle, that endearingly  playful smile still lingering on his face.

And you swear to god, your heart just did the summersault your body is impossible to do.

"Again, I didn't recall to say such things, actually." You replied, eyes staggering at his golden ones. You step closer towards his figure. Clearly not noticing the big gap that is now weakening simply because of the action you took, but Jungkook fortunately did.

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