I was a shade of crimson red. I begged to god in my mind to do something to help me.

''Yourr so beautiful'' Luke whispered looking directly into my eyes.

Wait a second, even when I'm naked infront of him, not once did he look down. He's looking straight in my eyes. What is this supposed to mean?

''Luke.. '' I whispered

''Get dressed Lucy and go get yourself some breakfast'' He cut me in and let go of my wrists. He closed his eyes and turned around and walked out of the room without locking it.

What just happened?

I breathed a sign of relief. Why didn't Luke do anything? He could've raped me easily. But he didn't.

Dont you guys dare think I wanted him to rape me..it's just that I'm confused.

I changed into my clothes and went to the kitchen.

As soon as I entered I saw Xavier and Luke sitting on the huge dinig talbe discussing something. As soon as I entered Xavier smirked at me and Luke smile.

''Hey Lucy'' Xavier said with a wink.

I didn't reply. I didn't want Luke to punish me for talking to him again. I stood there with my head hung low.

''Hey princess'' Luke smiled again.

My heart fluttered at the word princess.

''Hi'' I replied. I realised I was blushing.

Oh stupid me! Why am I blushing? Im such an idiot.

''Come have a seat'' Luke offered me a seat next to him. I could still smell the alcohol from his body. He was still drunk.

I was hesitant at first but then I remembered my punishment last night and went to sit with him anyways.

''Here'' Luke gave me a plate filled with macaroni. I love macaroni!

I smiled and started to eat. I finished my meal and went to keep the plate in the sink.

As I was standing their , a strong pair of arms wrapped around me.

I didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

''Luke..you need something?'' I asked without turning around.

''How did you know ut was me?'' Luke replied totally shocked.

Because I know your touch, I thought.

''Because you would never let anyone touch me this way plus you smell like a pig'' I chuckled'' I replied.

''Ohh, well then im going to take a bath, and then I'll sleep. I want you upstairs the whole time. Do you get me?'' His tone suddenly serious.


Luke held my hand and took me upstairs. He went in his closet and took a pair of black boxers with a grey T-shirt.

I sat on the bed for 5 minutes and then I started getting tired of sitting so I layed down on the bed. I took the cover over me and closed my eyes. After some time I felt the bed beside me dig in. I knew it was Luke. His strong arm wrapped around me , he pulled me towards himself without uttering a word. After tem minutes I could hear him snoring. He slept. After sometime I started feeling sleepy and as soon as I closed my eyes I was out.

*10 hours later*

I woke up before him, I looked at the watch it was 6 in the evening, god how did I sleep for so long?

I turned to look at him. His beautiful eyes, perfect face cut and his cute little nose. He was beyond handsome, like a Greek god. I saw a little scar over his right eye brow. It looked deep. I looked at it carefully, with all my concentration.

''What are you staring at?'' a deep husky voice questioned.

Shit! How did I not see him wake up!? Was I so lost ?

''i..um I was..''

''Shhh'' He kept his finger on my lips. He closed his eyes again.

I kept my mouth closed and took a deep breath. Just when I thought he's asleep, he spoke up,

''I got this scar when I was protecting my mother'' He replied

My eyes widened! What? Protecting? His mother? From whom? And why? What happened? Something bad? Some tragedy? So many questions were going through my mind.

''From whom?'' was all I could ask .

He opened my eyes and looke at me intensely. His eyes turned pitch black. Shit did I say something wrong? Will he beat me?

''Luke I'm sorry, I didn't-''

''My father'' He cut me in.

I was beyond shocked. I was speechless. I wasn't able to utter a single word. His father wanted to hurt his mother? Why!

''He was an alcoholic, a drug addict, he used to beat my mother. One day he came back home drunk and started beating my mother and breaking things. I tried to stop him but he pushed me away and I fell on the broken peices of his alcohol bottle. This id how I got this scar.'' I looked in his eyes, they showed hurt.

I felt really bad for him, watching his father hit his mother was something really bad to see for a kid.

I cupped his face with my hands and then I did something unexpected.

I kissed him.

His eyes went wide. He was shocked at first but then he kissed me back. Our kiss was short but sweet.

I loved it. We pulled back and I hugged him. He hugged me back.

What is happening to me?

Am I..falling for Luke?

Shit this is not happening.


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