Chapter Nine

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Type was staring. Rune was looking all bright and shiny. He was smiling at him.

"How are you, Type?" Rune asked.

"Rune?" Type was shocked. 

Rune smiled. "Yes baby, it's me."

Type couldn't understand what was happening. Was Rune alive?

Rune looked at the waves hitting the stones. "You always liked this sound of waves hitting the stones by the shore na Type." Type looked at where Rune was looking. 

Type turned towards him. "Rune?" Type called again. 

Rune looked back at him. "Baby, stop holding yourself responsible for what happened. It was not in your or my control. It had to happen. You need to let go of me, else I won't be at peace." 

Type started crying, "I am sorry na, Rune. I couldn't fulfill my promise. I couldn't protect you." 

Rune held Type's hand. "I told you, it's not your fault na. It had to happen. It would have happened with anyone. Stop blaming yourself na baby. It hurts to see you like this."

Type kept crying. Rune moved to wipe Type's tears and held his face. 

"You like him, don't you?"

Type was shocked. 

Rune smiled. "I like him too. He loves my Type which is more than enough for me to like him. Let me go na baby, so you can be his entirely. I want your happiness, Type. You are happy with him. Don't be scared of your own feelings."

Type held on to Rune's hands that had cupped his face. Tears flowing continuously. Rune said, "Don't feel guilty of your feelings na Type. I couldn't leave you because I was afraid of what might happen to you. But now, I am assured. What we had in the past are only memories, what you have now is your present and future."

Type couldn't say anything. He only stared at Rune. "I am happy now. I can go peacefully." 

Rune said. "I love you na, baby. Be happy. Always." 

Rune then got up, looked at Type one last time, smiled and moved towards the waves. Type tried holding him back, but he couldn't. Type jumped the stones and dived right into the water. He swam deeper and deeper in search of Rune. He started chocking. His lungs were giving out. He did not have the energy to swim to the surface. He was about to lose consciousness when he felt someone held his hand pulled him up. He tried opening his eyes, his vision blurred but he could see the shape of Tharn's body. He was pulled to the surface and gasped for air. Suddenly, Type woke up from his dream, breathing heavily. 

It took a while for Type to realize that this was just a dream. But he felt at ease. Like he received a blessing for his new life. Rune was gone, forever. And Type should move on too. He lay there for a while and then returned home. His parents were anxious. When they saw he returned safe, they relaxed. 

"I am sorry ma, pa for leaving in such a hurry and worrying you." Type said guiltily. 

"It's fine son. We understand." His ma said. Type nodded and went to hug his mother. She patted his back. 

"Ma, I am hungry." Type said. Of course, he had not finished his breakfast last time. His mother smiled and told him to take a seat. She went in to get his breakfast. After breakfast, Type went to his father's resort to help him with his work. 

Couple of days were well spent. Type was more relaxed now. He did want to meet Tharn, eagerly, yet he wanted to prolong his time at home. He missed it very dearly. He would call Tharn day and night, they would exchange messages. This time, Type would receive them without feeling guilty. 

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