Chapter Seven

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Tharn wanted to take Type out for dinner that evening. He had made reservations at a restaurant. However, with the turn of events, he decided to instead prepare it for his Type. Though he is not an excellent cook, he could at least prepare some basics. Type, on the other hand, was given a royal treatment and asked to sit and just enjoy the moment.

While sitting on a stool, he unknowingly started observing Tharn. Not only was Tharn extremely handsome, he was also a responsible, understanding and a down-to-earth kind of a person. He gave the space Type needed, he stepped back when Type was unsure, he supported him when Type faltered. He was a lot different from Type. Type was always straightforward and fierce. He and Rune were always a power pack. Rune's death however changed Type very much. He became scared of the unknown. He would cry in his loneliness and miss Rune very much. After meeting Tharn, Type was getting his confidence back.

Tharn was not muscular but wasn't lean as well. His built was perfect, had an intelligent aura and a personality to die for. Type was aware that Tharn had many fans, and women, especially, would swoon over him whenever he played in PJeed's bar.

They had the same height and would make a perfect pair when they walked together. Type would often times wonder what Tharn found in him to fall for. They were quite unlike. Tharn was a gentleman, whereas Type was quite a brat. Had Tharn known him earlier, he would have deviated from his idea of liking Type. Sometimes though, Type would get a deja vu of knowing Tharn before. Like he already knows what Tharn's hold feels like. He has felt those arms earlier. He has heard that voice before. That soothing voice that brought peace in his restless mind.

He was lost in his thoughts when Tharn came up to him, lifted his face and smirked, "thinking about me?"

Type smiled and shook his head. "I was thinking about food. My stomach is cursing me."

Tharn smiled and whispered in his ears, "you are not that great a liar, you know." Type could only nod. He was indeed thinking of Tharn and could not hide it. Whenever Tharn came close, Type's ears would turn red. His entire face would warm up, blood gushing to his face. Tharn was slowly realizing that he was affecting Type as much as Type affected him. He moved ahead and kissed Type's forehead.

"Dinner is ready. Let's eat." Tharn said.

Tharn set the table and Type followed him. They had dinner quietly. Though, in between they would steal glances without the other knowing. Tharn then played a light music and upon Type's insistence, he showed him some of his old photographs. Tharn was stuck at one photo where he was just two years old and in the arms of his mother. His father standing on the side holding his elder brother's hand who was as handsome as Tharn. Type looked at Tharn's face and realized that something was bothering Tharn in that photograph.

"What is it P?" Type asked.

Tharn shook his head and proceeded to the next photograph. In this, he and his elder brother were playing in a pool in their backyard, with their mother looking at them lovingly. In the next, his mother was inside the pool, and her sons on each side. Type noticed that everytime Tharn looked at his mother, his expressions would become sad. Type wondered if she was alive.

Type held Tharn's hand and looked at him with concern. Tharn smiled and closed the album. He pulled Type into an embrace and said, "don't leave me na, Type. Be with me forever. Please."

It confirmed Type that she was no more and it saddened Tharn. He couldn't look at Tharn in such state. It affected him very much. He got up, pulled Tharn and hugged him. Type then started to move around in tune with the music. Type was not a great dancer, but he knew how to move side by side. This was something Rune had taught him. Whenever he was sad, Rune would pull him into his embrace and they would just dance to ease out the tension. This is what he did with Tharn. They were in each other's arms, holding tight and moving their bodies in sync. It was helping Tharn and he started to relax.

He cupped Type's jaws and pulled him into a kiss. He kissed for assurance, for a promise to be together forever. Tharn's lips were hot, he was trying to control his tears and it was evident in his kiss. Type kissed him back in a promise to be with him, always, until the end. He held Tharn from his waist, his hands exploring Tharn's back. He pulled Tharn towards him. The kisses intensed when Tharn licked Type's lips along with kisses. Type stopped and let Tharn play with his lips, making them wet. Tharn moved his tongue, through Type's teeth into his mouth, looking for Type's response. Type moved his tongue too and swirled to Tharn's movements. Tharn opened his eyes to see how aroused Type was. If he continued, Tharn would not be able to hold back. Since he had promised Type that he would wait, he pulled back.

They were breathing heavily. Type was not happy that Tharn had stopped. Tharn placed his head on Type's shoulders, holding him, trying to calm himself. How many times will he keep stopping himself. He might explode if he touches Type again. Type was annoyed at himself. Why was he tormenting Tharn so much. Why couldn't he just give in. He knew Tharn was making every effort to not step up without Type's confirmation.

"I am going home tomorrow, P." Type said.

Tharn looked at him. "Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Yeah P. Now that I am starting my life here, away from my parents, I wanted to spend some time with them. I don't know if I will get more chances again in future." Type answered.

Tharn nodded. Type wanted to go home for he wanted to talk to his parents about Tharn. He wanted them to know that he was starting a new life here. He needed their blessings. May be that would put his heart to ease. However, he felt that he was burdened with something which he was not able to decipher.

He hugged Tharn, held him tight.

"I should go now, P. Before it becomes too late." Tharn nodded. Though he did not want him to leave, Tharn reluctantly let Type go. Type moved till the door, turned around to see Tharn being sad again. It was hurting him to see Tharn like this. He went back to Tharn, kissed him on his cheeks. Tharn relaxed and smiled. His fingers travelled from Type's forehead to his jaws, savoring each detail.

"Come back soon." He said. Type assured that he will and left.

Tharn felt empty but was sure that this emptiness would last only for some time.

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