Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

"All of you are one... is that your final answer... hmm... you passed. In the Ninja world... those who breaks the rules are scum. That's true... however, those who abandoned their comrade are worse than scum!" he said. We cheers happily. We passed!

We're officially a part of Team 7!!!

-First Mission As Team 7-

Author P.O.V

"Sasuke... point A"

"Sakura... point B"

... "Naruto... I'm at point C"

"You're late Naruto... the target is moving... go after it!" Kakashi Sensei said. "Um... Sensei? Y/N's been silent this whole time... is she even listening?" Sakura said. "Now that you mention it... hey... Y/N? Y/N... come in? Where are you??" Kakashi Sensei said through the ear piece.


I snap out of my little bubble from cooing on the cat in my arms. "Huh? Oh... sorry guys... I've got the cat in my arms... and it's soooo cuuuteee!!!" I squeal at the cat's cuteness. "You could've said you had the cat this whole time..." Sasuke said. "Heh... sorry... I just have a soft spot for cats... and this one is just SO cute!" I said. The cat purr in my arms, which makes me squeal even more.

Then out of no where, Naruto come running at me and snatch the cat out of my arms. "Hey!" I yell at him. But he just ignores me and holds the cat by the front hands. "Stupid cat!" He said. The cat starts to scratch his face. He lets go of the cat and the cat went back to me.

"Don't hold a cat like that! You're hurting it" I scold him. But he just ignores me... again. He rubs his face and groans. "CAN WE GET ANOTHER MISSION?? I HATE CATS!!!" He screams. I instantly pulls away the earplug from my ear. "Don't scream, idiot! Are you trying to make us go deaf??" Sasuke screams at him.

After Mission

We are now gathered in the Hokage's office. I sweat-dropped as I watch the counselor's wife practically squeezing the life out of the cats.

"No wonder he rans away..." I heard Sakura said. I nod my head in agreement. But Naruto just laugh. "Serve him right! Stupid cat..." he said. I turn to him with a glare. He flinch and looks away. I let out a sigh and approach the woman.

"Um... sorry miss..." I said. She turns to me "yeah?" She questions, looking at me suspiciously. "Uh.... you shouldn't hold a cat like that, Miss..." I said. She raise an eye-brow. "What do you mean?" She asks. "Cats are gentle creature, Miss... you should hold the cat with care... like this..." I said, gently holding the cat and it instantly purrs at me. Then I hand the cat back to the woman. She follows my instruction and this time the cat looks more comfortable in her hold.

Her eyes lit up. She turns to me and smile gratefully. "Thank you, little girl... now I know why he kept on running away... thanks for showing me the right way to handle a cat..." she said, now squeezing me. "I-I c-can't breathe... too... tight" I gasps out. Which makes her let go. "Sorry..." she said. I just gives her a thumb up, still out of breath.

The lady exit the office, this time holding the cat a lot more gently. 'Hopefully she kept it in mind. Poor cat...' I thought to myself. Then I turn to look at the Hokage, who's going to give us another mission.

"Okay... your next tasks will be... babysitting the counselor's son... plucking out some grasses..." he was cut off by Naruto, who yells out a no while forming a big 'X' with his arms. I let out a sigh.

"I don't want chores! I want a real mission!" He said, stubbornly. Kakashi-Sensei hit him on the head. He wails and holds his head in pain.

"Hm... Naruto wants us to know that he's not a brat anymore... that he's a full fledge Ninja... so be it... Team 7 is going to be given a C ranked mission. You all will be guard on this mission" the Hokage said. Which makes Naruto grin in excitement. "Who are we going to guide?? A Princess?? A counselor??" He said. "Patient Naruto... bring in the Client!" He said.

The door opens to reveal an old man. I scrunch up my nose at the sight of him. His breath reeks of alcohol. How disgusting...

"What?? A bunch of snot kids! You... the little one with the idiotic look on the face... do you think I'm going to believe that you're a ninja? Hah! You're a joke!" He said. Naruto laugh "hahahah... who's the little one with the idiotic look on the face?" He said. We all stands in one line.

Sasuke and I being the tallest, Sakura comes next. Then lastly... Naruto. Upon realizing this, he turns red on the face out of anger.

"I'm going to demolish you!!" He screams, tying to advance at the guy. Kakashi Sensei hold him. "You can't demolish a client, Naruto... it didn't work that way" Sensei said. I turn to the man to see him with a triumph face.

"I wouldn't be smiling if I were you... if we didn't care... you would be dead instantly during your return to your village... after all... things could happened.... and since we're going to be your guard... I suggest you behave... or we won't guarantee your safety!" I said crossing my arms, venom dipping in my voice in each word. His face paled after I've said that. I smirk in victory from his reaction. 'Yup... he's definitely hiding something' I thought to myself.


Right now I'm in my room. I packed all the things that I might need on this journey. I keep thinking about the guy we're going to guard. Something is definitely off with him.

Saphira? I call out for my dragon spirit. What is it, kid? She respond. The vibe that old man gives me... I feel like his hiding something... I said. Yeah... you are right, kid... you better be careful on this mission... she said. I got it... I said.


*to be continued*

You're Not Alone (Gaara X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora