"Stephanie was in your class and said she passed with a B and didn't even show up for finals?" Gabbie added, but stayed focused on how she can fixed her schedule.

"My point is that every time I try to get my classes changed they decline my request and allow me to fail,"Jaclyn shoves the piece of paper into the front of her backpack,"By the way the only reason she passed that class is because she sits next to all the smart people and copies right off them."

"Darrel posted his schedule on his snapchat and guess who has him in her culinary class! Ahhhhh me! Omg me! This is a sign!" Gabby gasps scaring me in the process. Darrel to her is one of the hottest guys in school. You can say her long time crush since middle school.

"I thought you said–but didn't you say no more boys?" I knew when she said no more boys it was a lie but I was expecting a few days before she broke that promise.

"I'm still keeping my word, but staring is not a problem. And c'mon this is Darrel we're talking about," A sly smile creeped on her face,"But if we fall in love that would be great too!" She waves her phone in our face.

Jaclyn and I turn to each other and shake our heads in disappointment. If anything happens, it's her getting her heart broken by a fuck boy.

"I think we totally saw that coming." I say and we watch her take a picture of her schedule and post it on snap in hopes that it will get his attention.

"Oh yeah... I was even gonna bet on it." Jaclyn laughs,"Why is she so excited? Doesn't he have a girlfriend?"

"Whatever it is she'll eventually learn, I hope. I have to get going the bell is about to ring and I wanna get a good seat. See you guys later!" I wave them goodbye and speed walk to my first class. I would say this is by farthest the dumbest thing I do because I hate walking in and having people watch me do so.

I peak my head inside to the open classroom and see the teacher seating at his desk typing away, probably finishing up our first homework assignment of the year. Woooo.

I knock on the door frame to get his attention,"Mr. Steller?" My voice at the verge of cracking as I speak.

His head snaps up and looks me dead in the eye,"Yes? What can I do for you?"

"Hi–yes um my name is Amelia Richards. I'm in your first period. I was just wondering if I can pick a seat right now?," I stood outside the door and waited for his response.

He looked dumbfounded,"Uh...yeah I guess–Yeah uh take a seat where ever you like." He scratched his head and gestures to the empty seats.

I step inside and the smell of cigarette hit me and I couldn't help but scrunch my nose in disgust,"Thank you." I say and pick the seat in the fourth row, third seat. Within a second after the first bell rings and my stomach curls.

It takes a while for the class to fill up as everyone is trying to figure out where to go, but as it starts to pour in I realize this class is going to be packed. I regret my decision in my choice of seat but it's a little too late. I swiftly turn my head around the class trying to look for a new empty seat but the second bell goes off.

On the right I'm sat next to a girl who over does it with Victoria Secret perfume. While on the the left I have the snacker, best part he doesn't close his mouth while he chews. Behind me is the lame 'jokester' who doesn't know when to shut up and in front of me I have the girl who never has her materials, already asking the whole class for a pencil.

"Ladies and gentlemen please settle down!" Mr. Stellar voice rung through the class and stunned people of how deep and loud it was. He closed the door and walked up to the front of the class,"Now that I got everyone's attention. My name is Mr. Stellar and I will be your Algebra 2 teacher and I would like to welcome all of you back. This is your last year of high school, congratulations, you've made it this far–

Victoria Secret next me starts murmuring to the jokester behind me and giggling to god knows what because I tuned them out, but Mr. Stellar caught on and made it clear.

"You in the white crop top," He stopped his introduction and called her out, everyone turns their heads to her direction. She stops her whispers and realizes he was talking to her,"I see you're already going to be a problem, please change seats with the gentleman right here in the front."

The girl huffs,"Mr. , it won't happen again."

"And I won't say it again." He again points to the desk in front of him. Go him!

The girl rolls her eyes and stands up and grabs her bag off the floor and pushes her chair out making it scratch on floor and makes her way to the front.

The guy she switches with finds this amusing and shakes his head,"Already disrupting the class Amy." He whispers to her as they both pass each other.

He sits down and Mr. Stellar continues again,"Thank you Ian. Now we here was I?"

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