Part 2

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It was as if we ran in slow motion and leaped into the arms of one another. I haven't seen both in at least a month. I would say the last time we all saw each other was at a roller skating rink where I fucked up my knees and will forever live with that. After that I spent my time babysitting Lucas, who was a hand full for a ten year old. But while I was watching my brother Jaclyn and Gabbie spent it in Summer school. We even tried working around our schedules but every time we either tried either one of were busy. But the months past and here we were again, together.

"Are you bitches ready to make it the best last year of our lives!" Jaclyn breaks the embrace and holds back from jumping up and down in excitement. The little sparkle in her eyes said everything.

"And how do we make that happen?" Gabbie asks as if she doesn't already know. They probably have been planning the entire senior year since the beginning.

Jaclyn hums and puts her finger to her chin and strokes it jokingly,"Well we first have to get our lovely Millie Whop here out of her comfort zone. Maybe get her into something possibly slutty because I think those titties have never seen the light of day and are dying to be exposed," And out of no where she grabs both my boobs and gives them a shake while giggling at the sight of my terrified reaction,"Ooo we cant forget about breaking some rules!" This conversation is nothing new to me. Every year they take the time of their day talking to me about 'letting my wild side loose'.

"Okay well I already disagree with your plan like always. One I like being comfortable wearing T-shirts all the time. Secondly I'm not the into parties or trying every drug in the book and let's not forgot to mention getting arrested." They both throw their heads back and groan,"You've guys always complain to me about how the parties were lame and this and that." I take the lead to start walking into campus instead of standing outside in the middle looking like a bunch of kids trying to make the decision to ditch.

"But that's the thing that makes it thrilling, going back and trying them all because what if one day we get that good party. Hear me out, what if what we're lacking is you! Maybe you're that charm and with you not going you're cursing us all? Plus girls are free entry, so that's a bonus." Gabbie try's her best in convincing me.

"I highly doubt that." I laugh in amusement.

Don't get me wrong but I've thought about it, but what would a girl like be doing at a party. Oh that's right standing at a corner and watching everything go down. Yeah, I'd rather stay home and watch my shows that are better entertainment than watching people hump each other faded or drunk off their minds.

"Okay if you say sooo," Jaclyn makes her voice higher, thinking it would convive me,"But don't come to us when you tell us about how much you missed out in high school. Living in regrets! But of course it's your decision."

"Wow thanks!" I roll my eyes and chuckle. They were right and I know it. It didn't feel like peer pressure at all because at the end of the day they respected my decision, but it always led me to wonder.

We drop the conversation and head over to the office and get our schedules to check if any of us got classes together, but for first period we got separated. I'm getting my day started with math while Gabbie has Government and Jaclyn has an elective. Weirdly enough, English was all of our second class but Jaclyn got Ms. Holt while Gabbie and I have Mr. Diaz.

"It's like the world is against me at this point." Jaclyn huffs,"I've had Holt for two years in a row now and my highest grade I've gotten in her class is a low C."

"Well I've walked in on you dead asleep in her class... could that be as reason?" I laugh at the memory of drool trickling down her mouth.

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