Part 1

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It was like any other ordinary day, but this time I was getting up and getting ready for the first day of my senior year. It felt surreal that I'm so close to ending the year and blossoming into an adult. High school flew by so quickly and I just want to hang on a little tighter for a little longer. During these four years of my life I haven't done much. What I mean by that is the fact that I spent my days at home binge watching the shit out of shows and being the tag along because god knows that I am the boring one, especially in my circle. I'm just the timid girl who daydreams in class and could get lost in her head for days and days and days–

"Oh shit!" I jump in shock as the alarm I set goes off reminding me that I have to be on the bus in 10 minutes. I grab my backpack off the floor and run down stairs to find my mother disciplining my little brother like every other day. Her words floating through his ear and out the other.

My mother looks up and shows me her widest smile and awes at the sight of me,"My precious baby girl," She clasps her hands together as she walks up to me,"Looking beautiful as always," She lets out a shriek as she wraps her arms around me and hugs me tight,"Are you ready for your big day today?" She pulls back shakes me very excitedly, searching my eyes for any sign of emotion.

"I'm ready to end the day and come home." I joke, but my mother doesn't approve,"But I'm excited to see Gabriela and Jaclyn." My only two friends who I haven't seen for a at least a couple of months because I spent my summer at home.

I grab my keys off the counter and walk towards the door and right when I had my right foot out the door, my mothers voice stops me dead in my tracks.

"Before you go I wanna pass on the message that daddy says sorry he couldn't be here for your big day and sends his love and kisses but spear me a minute because he also wants a picture for your big day!" She comes running from the living room with a camera and rushes past me onto our porch and points for me to stand in front of the door, gesturing me to smile.

When I was told that my father was going to be taking the morning shift I somehow thought this tradition would take its break. Every year I come out slightly weirder and it would either be a crooked smile or my eyes looked lazier than the year before. Like that the realization came to me that I'm not meant to be in front of a camera made perfect sense.

"Daddy doesn't want one of me?!" My brother shouts and stomps his foot. He doesn't care about the picture clearly, all he's upset about is how dad gives me the attention he craves for. What can I say? I'm daddy's little girl!

"Let Amelia take her picture and we can do you next. Does that sound okay?" My mother asks my brother who looked like his tantrum of the day was going to happen this early in the morning.

"Mom I have 5 minutes before I miss my bus." I say and put thumbs up and smile for the first shot and for the next one I pull Lucas beside me.

"Okay and I'm off! Love you guys!" I wave them off and take off running down my street. The soles of my feet killing me because the last time I ran this much was in P.E which I stopped taking two years ago. But I can proudly say that the 10 minute walk became a good 3 minute run from how fast my feet were moving. When I came around the corner I had slowed down and I see the bus arriving and again I sprinted and got on. Sweat running down my face and back while hyperventilating like a mad man.

I smile at the bus lady and insert my dollar and walk down the aisle in embarrassment because I know all these people saw me wave down the bus like crazy.

I make my way to the back and was thankful that there were many seats available. I plop down and almost pass out from the exhaustion that my body felt. I pull myself together before pulling out my phone that has been going off with texts messages. I open them and it came from Gabby asking me if I'm on the bus that we both take together. I respond and pop in my earphones and lay my head on the window and wait for the next 10 stops for her to hop on.

It took about 13 minutes get to her stop as every kid piled onto the bus. When we came to rant familiar stop, I saw Gabby's head peaked at every row looking for me. I wave like crazy trying to get her attention and when she finally saw me she pushed through many people and since every seat was taken she makes the person next me allow her to bud in so she can sit on my lap.

She turns around once on my lap and attacks me with a hug and rocks me from side to side,"I've missed you so much Millie! Like you have no idea. How have you been!"

"I've been okay nothing crazy, you know the usual." I laugh and pull her back,"What about you? Anything new?"

"Remember that boy I was talking to, Joseph? Yeah well fuck him he's cancelled. What a joke and a waste of my time. This year it's about me, myself, and I. No more boys for me." She said it with confidence but I know by the next few weeks she's going to be about some cute she saw, but of course I couldn't say something like that to her. And what a great topic to start off too... not.

"That's good news, single Gabbie is the best Gabbie."

"I know right! But what about you any boys hit you up?" She giggles and teased me, because she knows damn well that has never happened or will it ever honestly.

I give her a look.

"What? You know you're pretty, and loads of guys have tried but you never let them!" She gushes and grabs my cheeks.

"Thanks but no thanks." I move her hands away from my face.

"You see! You could have maybe even found the one! But you're not letting yourself be that wild side I know your hiding away from the world."

"Gabbie... I highly doubt that. Either way these high boys are nasty and not my type. I have plenty of time, I'm in no rush." I reassure her and feel kind of awkward since we're surrounded by many kids that go to our school. I might care but Gabbie does not give two shits about talking about whatever's on her mind.

"I wish I was a little more like you, you know. You have such a great mindset." And like that we had came to a stop in front of our school. Vetro High School, home of the Raptors.

Gabbie had no time to waste, she got up and pulled me along with her through the packed bus. Instead of waiting for the people in front to get off first she was determined to get off no matter what. When we finally stepped off we were greeted with Jaclyn who had the biggest smirk on her face.

"There's my bitches!"

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