Chapter 2: Alpha-Omega

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: mentions of sexual assault and rape and backstory explanation

The next morning Taehyung woke up, he made breakfast and sat in the kitchen watching a video on his phone from an omega activist he followed. He posted a video of an omega woman he interviewed she cried saying how she was raped at a party and when she told authorities they responded that she shouldn't have been out while in heat and can't prove it as rape. He turned the video off closing his eyes. Why was the victim always at fault? They tell omegas not to go out while in heat because asshole alphas aren't taught to control their ruts when in fact a good amount of them could. Yet they can get away with it while the victim is blamed. They tell omegas not to wear certain clothes to avoid sexual harassment because after all, it's an omega's fault that an alpha or beta can't keep their hands to themselves.

He sipped his tea the more he thought about this the angrier he became. He hated society and how they looked down on omegas just because most of them were softer and tender. He got up washing the dishes. Minho walked into the kitchen.

"Are you ready for your big day?"

He smiled. "I'm a little nervous."
"Don't forget me when you win your first case."

Taehyung sighed. "I have a long way to go but I'll work as hard as I can."

"Me too. Break a leg today."

"Thank you Appa." He hugged him and rushed out the door. He paused when he saw Minjun leaning on his car. He so wasn't in the mood to deal with his shit right now.

"Good morning Minjun. How can I help you on this lovely day?"

"I was wondering if you thought about my proposition yet." He took a big bite into his apple. Taehyung forced a smile on his face.

"I have..." Minjun gave a big smile. "And my answer is no." he frowned.


"I've already told you, I'm not looking to mate right now. My goal is to be a lawyer."

He rolled his eyes. "Taehyung-ah no one is going to hire you as a lawyer."

"Well of course not, I don't expect any arrogant know-it-all alpha to hire me but I was hired."

"Where? By who?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"I gotta go so I'm not late." He opened his car door.

"Taehyung, listen to me. You and I are perfect for each other. You won't find a greater stallion than me." He flexed his bicep. Taehyung sighed looking up at the bigger alpha.

"Minjun there's tons of omegas out there who want you. Go to them because I'm not interested, sorry." He got in the car and drove off.

Minjun growled watching Taehyung's car leave. "No one says to me, I always get what and who I want."


Taehyung arrived in the city and went into the building listed on the card. He went to the receptionist desk. "Hi, I'm looking for Kim Namjin's law firm."

She looked at the computer and smiled. "That's floor 15."

"Thank you." he bowed his head.

"Your welcome and I hope you enjoy your position as secretary." She gave him a warm smile. Taehyung tilted his head.

"Oh no, I'm going to be a lawyer."

She giggled. "There's no way, you're definitely an omega, I can tell by your looks. There are no omega lawyers but it's cute to dream big right?"

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