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I stared out into the swampy water. Fireflies blinked in the night as crickets chirped a melody that was almost calming among the mess we were in.

It had been a few days since losing Kieren, and it seemed the people around camp were carrying a new weight.

Arthur's feet shuffled as he stepped onto the dock beside me.

"I've got to go meet with Eagle Flies." He squatted beside me.

"I don't guess I could convince you to take me along?"

He shook his head. "Not this time. We're dealin' with Cornwall's men again and your mind's not in a good place right now to be fightin' that kind of fight." He ran his hand along the back of my head.

"It's seemin' like you're leavin' me here more and more when you go out."

"Well, what do you want me to do? Let you go out there and get yourself killed?"

"Why not? It's where we're all headed anyway."

"Why do you say that?"

I let out a deep breath. "First Sean, now Kieren. And before that it was Davey, Mac, and Jenny. They've all been lost in a matter of months. Our people are droppin' like flies. Who's next?" I looked up at him. "If I go first, I want you to bury me at Clemens Cove. I was happy there, for a time."

"Stop that." He snapped. "Now I don't wanna hear anything like that come outta your mouth again."

"Quit tryin' to be so optimistic and just promise me."

He grabbed my hand and pressed it to his lips. "I promise."

"Thank you." I sighed as I stood from my spot with Arthur following suit. "Please be careful. If I ended up losin' you too so soon I don't know what I'd do."

He pulled me in and wrapped his arms tightly around me. "You're not losin' me. I won't let that happen."

I hugged him back, pressing my nose into his jacket to take in his scent, committing it to memory, and begging God to never let it leave my thoughts.

"I'm comin' right back. I'll be back before the sun comes up in the mornin'." He kissed me slowly. "Do somethin' to take your mind off it. Spend some time with Abigail and Jack. Maybe check on Mary Beth. I think she may've had a soft spot for Kieren."

I nodded. "Alright. I love you."

"Love you too. With all my heart." He let me go and started towards Sid.

Abigail and Jack were around the back of the house when I found them. Jack was trying to catch a frog as Cain gave chase.

Abigail sat in an old broken chair and watched on with a smile pulling gently at her lips.

"Abigail." I greeted as I walked up.

"Hey Florence. How're you holdin' up."

"Can't say I'm doin' the best, honestly. I'm worried about the way things're goin'. We've lost two people in about as many months and it doesn't seem to bother Dutch one bit. All he cares about is his next plan."

"It worries me too. For Jack's sake."

"Look, I'm not sayin' it'll happen, but if things get bad, I need you to get Jack and John and get the Hell outta here." I kept my voice low. "I don't want you to feel bad about doin' it either. You need to give that boy a shot at a good life, and I don't see Dutch comin' through on his promises any time soon."

"John would never leave." She shook her head.

"I'll have a talk with him too. If things keep goin' the way they've been goin we're gonna lose a lot of people, Abigail. I don't want you three to be casualties of this mess Dutch's dragged us into."

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