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Sean had Karen perched on his knee as they both turned up a bottle of whiskey each. Javier played a few upbeat tunes and people sang along.

Dutch danced with Molly rather gracefully as Mary Beth swayed alone to the side.

My bottle was half empty by the time I decided to stumble across camp and sit on one of the crates on the far side of the tents.

I had been sitting there for a while, enjoying the cool breeze and occasionally swigging from my bottle when Sean found me.

"There she is!" He smiled happily. "Me best friend in the whole world." He took a seat on the crate next to me. "What're ya doin' out here by your lonesome?"

"I just needed a minute."

"It's been more'n a minute, love. Most everybody's gone ta bed."

"It's just a lot to take in, bein' back. And things feel different, but somehow like they haven't changed. It's kind of got me down."

"Is it Artur's gotcha so melancholy? Couldn't help but notice ya ain't said two words ta' one another."

I shrugged.

"Whatever's goin' on wit' ya', it'll be alright. He loves ya'."

"Nope." I laughed and drank from the bottle.

"Don't be daft, lass. Of course he does."

I shook my head. "Told me straight out he didn't. Never did apparently."

"Well, I never took Artur to be a liar, but he sure as shit is one. Anyone wit' half a brain could see it back den."

"He never said it. I just assumed. Now I look like such a fool for wasting all those years."

"Ain't notin foolish 'bout ya'. Don't listen ta' 'em. He'd be a bigger fool if he didn't love ya'."

"What exactly do you know about love, MacGuire?"

"Ah, ya' should know by now Karen's got me heart all wrapped up. Always has."

"You've only talked like that when you're drunk."

"Dey say drunk mouts speak truts." He looked at me with a lopsided grin. "I love 'er more'n I can say."

I smiled as I placed my bottle on the ground. "Never took you to be the romantic, Sean, but it's sweet."

"Eh, well, don't tell nobody." He patted my head as he stood. "Might ruin me reputation."

He wandered off back towards the tents singing "Oh Molly" rather sloppily. 

I watched the clouds roll across the moon, wishing the night would end. I always hated night time because I hated being along. During the day I could make myself busy around the house and taking Angie to town, but at night when she would go to bed, all I had was my thoughts.

I closed my eyes and listened as an owl called from a near by tree. It was peaceful, and I almost was able to fall asleep sitting up right there. My potential slumber was broken; however, when Arthur came and sat on the crate that Sean had left.

"You drink all that yourself?" He kicked the bottle lightly.

"Ain't you proud of me?"

"Worried's more the word."

"No reason to worry. I can take it." To prove my point, I picked the bottle up and gulped more down.

"You're gonna kill yourself doin' that." He snatched the bottle from me, spilling some of the liquid across my clothes.

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