"If you say no then I would have no other option than to tell the council about your existence" Athena threatened

Having no other choice, the god of tides accepted the coffee request, following the blonde goddess to a coffee shop. They entered a small coffee shop, not a Starbucks or anything of the sort, but more like a local and non-franchise type.

"Cappuccino for me, and for him..." Athena told the barista

"Hot chocolate" Perseus told. Athena looked at him weirdly, "what? I don't really like coffee"

Athena nodded, taking a seat in a nearby table. Perseus sat in front of her, waiting impatiently for his drink. In about four minutes, the waitress served each god its drink, leaving the two of them to talk.

"So, Percy, is that your real name? Or is it short for something,? Perhaps Percival, but that does not see very Greek" Athena broke the silence

"Perseus. My full name is Perseus." The god replied coldly. Athena sipped her cup of coffee quietly, studying the god in front of her with great detail. His physical features reminded her of her rival, Poseidon, yet his mannerisms didn't quite fit his description. The offspring of Poseidon always had a way to threaten authority, and while Perseus here did not sympathize much with her, he didn't pose as any kind of threat.

"What are your domains?" Athena questioned

"I'm the god of childhood, hospitality, tides, technology, feelings secrets, humor and sacrifice" Perseus decided not to tell the goddess of wisdom about his domain of time, as he was almost certain that she would've overreacted about it. She had her reasons though, he didn't have any ties with Olympus (that she knew of) and he had domains that affected everyone in their personal being. Having him as an enemy would be a great problem for Olympus. "Apollo please come help me. I'll owe you one"

"I see Athena trapped you into a date. I'll help you don't worry. And I also won't be telling about this to a certain moon goddess" Perseus heard Apollo tell him through his mind.

"God of childhood...that must mean you're even less constricted by ancient laws than Artemis herself. Did you already know this?"

Before Perseus could get a chance to finish his interrogation, a blonde man with a carefree attitude entered the coffee shop, immediately making eye contact with the scared god.

"Percy! Long time no see bro" The sun god said, pulling a chair towards the table. "I'm sorry, am I interrupting your date?"

"No bro, you came just in time. I was just telling Athena how awesome I am."

"Oh 'thena, Percy here is the bomb. He can make the most serious person in the world laugh, he's loyal to a fault,  and he is the coolest person to hang out with. He will never say no to anything, like he has worked everywhere for the past like fifty years or so. You know that really cool hotel in Orlando? That's Percy's. Those cool 'Made in the USA' watches? Percy's designs. Like seriously, I get why you wanted to take him on a date. I mean, ignoring all the cool stuff he is, he's not hard on the eyes" Apollo said seductively, which made Perseus shiver at just the thought of him with his brother-in-law.

Athena looked between the two gods, trying to figure out what was wrong there. "Since when have you known Perseus?"

"If you mean the first time I actually met him, then around four years ago. If you mean when I first heard about him, then I think about six hundred years ago, give or take" Apollo told the complete truth, grinning at Athenas perplexed face.

"Who told you about him the first time?" Athena asked

"A relative" Apollo responded

"Apollo, all of us are relatives" Athena said madly

Perseus: God of tides and childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now