Chapter Four

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    Liam woke up to a blinding light shinning onto his face. A small groan escaped his chapped lips, it felt like sandpaper as he brushed his tongue over them to satisfy the need for liquids. Liam let his eyes slowly open, putting up a fight with his head as his mind struggled to keep them shut against his will to open them.

As Liam finally won the war between him and his own head, his eyes slowly fluttered open but began to blink rapidly as he squinted, he held a shaky hand up blocking the light from shining in his eyes as he adjusted. Liam's eyes slowly wandered around the room he was in, it was a bedroom and it had a familiar forest and wet dog type smell that he learned to love.

Liam had gained the knowledge of being in one of his friends home. His eyes continued to wander before he sat up, propping himself up on his arm, Liam felt an odd weight on his lap area, to his amazement, looking down was the sleeping figure of the grouch that laid claim to his lap and the room. Jacob Black. Liam felt his breath hitch as he looked at the obviously tired boy.

Liam was tempted to wake him up in fear he fell asleep on him without intended to. Liam made up his mind to wake him up, Liam watched as his arm extended towards the boy but as he was ready to give him a small shake, he watched as his hand subconsciously stopped and instead his fingers worked against him. His fingers hooked around some of the boys long hair and pushed it from his face. Liam's heart was pounding as he saw how different Jacob looked up close when he wasn't in a constant scowl.

Jacob let out a small groan and shifted his arm, Liam's eyes landed on the bruised knuckles, in the strange atmosphere, Liam had forgotten all about what happened in the hallway at school. Liam in remembering the events felt all energy and adrenaline drain from his body as his arm slid from under him and he fell back onto the pillows, his head was throbbing and at the sudden movements he had accidentally woke the grouch. Shuffling filled the air and Liam watched as a face popped into view above him, concern flowers through Jacobs eyes as he placed a hand on Liam's forehead.

"You're burning up, your cut might be infected, does it hurt?" Jacob questioned. Liam flinched a little and scoffed as he heard the boys question.

"Nope, feels like rainbows and sunshine, of course it fucking hurts." He hissed out, he was pissed at Jacob again after remembering what happened in the school hallways. Liam suddenly felt his blood boiling to the point he didn't want to be near Jacob.

"Why are you even here, hell, where am I anyways, secret hide out, dungeon, my future grave? You seem to not care about how I'm doing, so maybe your some type of satanic worshiper trying to nurse me to health just to kill me-" Jacob put his callused hand over Liam's mouth.

"Your in my room, after you passed out that Cullen boy caught you and your pal Luke got his shit rocked by him." Jacob said. Liam sat up and glared at Jacob. He couldn't believe what just came from Jacobs mouth. Liam flung his legs over the bed causing Jacob to back up. Liam needed to get out of there before he said something he'd regret.

Liam used all the strength he could muster in order to get up and pushed past Jacob, he heard the elder boy follow after him with a groan. Liam limped down the hall, a cramp in his leg from probably laying down for so long and his eyes fixated on the exit, he could hear Jacob saying something but the words didn't fully reach his ears, the throbbing only intensified as he pushed through the door. Liam ignored the blinding light that shined through the trees around them.

"Lee, your awake! What are you doing out of bed?" A voice called out. Liam ignored Grayson's calls and proceeded to walk down the porch steps heading towards the woods, but he was stopped as Paul ran in front of him.

"Lee. You should be laying down, your in no condition to be up and walking around." Paul said as he tried reasoning with him, Liam wasn't having any of it though as he shoved Paul back some.

"No condition? No condition! I wouldn't be injured if you guys would just listen for once in your lives! But no! All of you boys are as thick headed as the other! I'm tired of you guys orbiting around me like in the fucking sun! I'm tired of being dragged into your petty drama! And I'm tired of you most of all!" Liam yelled as he whipped around coming face to face with Jacob. Liam was close to losing his mind, to give Jacob a taste of his own medicine, to finally say what he's always wished to say!

Instead, as Liam whipped around to yell at him but as he locked eyes, his jaw only clenched shut and he lowered his finger. Liam couldn't help but let his hand slap against his leg in defeat. The look he turned to had erased all anger from him. Jacob for once showed no anger, but instead, worry.

"God, I just-" Liam let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair as he turned away only to turn long enough to say fuck you before shoving past and storming off into the woods. Anger and guilt flowed through him like a rushing river. He rubbed the back of his neck as he walked farther in, his thoughts racing as he realized what he almost did.

Liam could have fucked a whole group friendship up all because he wanted to be selfish for once. He hated it, he always did everything for other people, he made sure everyone was put above his own personal well being. His actions on walking away like that made him feel sick. He couldn't remember the last time he did something for himself, he was a very laid back and goofy person but he seemed to have lost his cool for once.

Liam let out a groan of frustration. He looked around and realized he went right past his normal travel route. He felt stupid, what was he thinking coming out alone like this? It was like all of his common sense got knocked out of him and he was left with stupidity. Liam looked around and made the mistake of spinning to look. He threw himself off some and stumbled over and leaned against a tree as he hundred over.

"Oh my god. I think I'm going to be sick...yup!" He felt his body tense up as the disgusting bile exited his body. He gagged at the sight and quickly looked away before the sight made him throw up more. The sound of a stick snapping caused him to turn quickly, obviously not learning the first time as he grabbed his stomach to keep himself from hurling again. A flash of red went by and vanished behind a tree. Liam's muscles tense and his blood seemed to run cold as he was planted in place. He couldn't have imagined that, but at the same time he could, who knows. Liam's right leg lifted up some as his body to a shaky step forward, his body slowly mimicking the same action as he included towards the tree, he could see something red barely peaking out from behind the wooden nature pole.

"Please be Barry Allen, please be the Flash, that's all I ask of you God." Liam mumbled as he put a hand on the tree, he squeezed his eyes shut and as he was ready to open his eyes and look, a loud scream of fear echoed through the woods causing the birds to fly from there nests as Liam quickly stopped himself from yelling and flailing his arms at the person that grabbed his shoulder. With the gentle grip on his wrists he peaked with one eye at the person who was ready to take his life. He felt his heart begins beating fast again as he quickly stood straight up.

"Holy shit-"


(Cliffhanger uwu)

( Exams are done and I'm starting this semester off good so far so let's get this book running again )

Double Mated// Emmet Cullen & Jacob BlackUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum