E u n e i r o p h r e n i a

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You're the one holding me back
from the cliff,
even without your knowing.

Whenever I think of you,
My tears started tasting like nectar.
Even the candy became more delicious,
My favorite songs became more

Now I know what happiness is,
because of you my pleasant dream.

You know, It's more than happiness,
I can't define it.
A feeling which makes us forget to

You've been there, In between my
dreams and reality,

You're such a dream,
A dream which embellish our
A synonym for happiness.

You played the violin and healed
my wounds,
You smiled at me and saved
my heart

You're here, in my heart,
I’ve tattooed your footsteps in my heart.

You know that unknown place that
come to our mind when we listen to
our favorite music, You live there!

You're the winter to my burning heart
You're the remedy to my ruined life.
I just want your eyes to meet mine,

But, I think we're only destined to meet
each other in our dreams, not in our real life.

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