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I thought you're my friend

I trusted you like my lungs

Believed that you'd never ever go.

Eventually you've gone,


I'm writing this for you

You left me like a waste

But it's ok, I don't care

A real friend wouldn't do that.

Thank you for your fake love

Thank you for your fake words

Thank you for your fake texts

Thank you so much fake friend

But.. No! yak!

You aren't worth my thanks.

If u think i hate you,

Yeah, girl I probably do

But one thing I hated was

How much I loved you, eww!


For me you're dead now

I erased those memories

I forgot those days

I ripped off your place, in my heart

That's easy!

I'm so happy that you lost me

And I came to know that,

You don't deserve my love

You don't deserve my heart

And you don't deserve my part.


Please don't come back

To my life, to my happy life.

I don't want you anymore


You're not my friend, you're a lesson.

Now, I love everyone who isn't you.

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