17th & 18th November. Days 17 and 18.

24 4 6

Monday morning dawned with rain and mizzle. (A mixture of mist and drizzle). I managed to get 500 words done before leaving for work.
It was a hard cycle up hill  and I had to stop to get some food on the way.  Unfortunately the shop on the way never has much in the way of proper food.  I opted for a sandwich, crisps and a dried pasta meal for my tea. Neither healthy or very filling.
Work was enjoyable but by the evening I was feeling tired and achy. Too much cycling, too much work, not enough sleep and bad food.  I got a good nights sleep on Monday and cycled home once work people arrived the next morning. 
Felt shattered when I arrived home.
I took my kids to school and nursery then came home. Normally I'd start writing but I had a cuppa then closed my eyes for a moment.
I started writing around 11. I'd realised that if I didn't write this was the day my deficit would be too much.  I wrote till midday managing 800 words then got the daughter. 
Great afternoon with her, we collected the boy and came home again.  I made a stew while the kids played happily  upstairs. When hubby came home I started writing again. The half way point of 25k  was fast approaching.
I wrote all evening and broke through the 25k point.  I went to bed around 11pm totally shattered but quite pleased with myself.
Monday total word count: 21869
Tuesday daily word count: 3141
Total word count: 25010.

Have a lovely Wednesday, and enjoy life. 
The music listed is one if my favourite pieces Ifind it relaxing and good for writing.  Sometimes I close my eyes andlet the music wash over me removing stress and tension.

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