Shes back

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Jeff's POV
   I opened my eyes and I sat up. I looked around and I remembered everything that happened yesterday. Now my new mission is to avoid everyone. I got up and grabbed a clean white hoodie. A pair of black skinny jeans and my black converse. I did my my morning routine and got dressed.

I don't know why I got dressed. I'm not hungry. I guess a walk will do me some good. Sat on my wheelchair and debated on what I should do.

Soon enough a knock Interrupted my thoughts. I nodded and walked over to the door. I opened it and a little short green dude stood there. He was wearing a link costume and had red eyes surrounded by black. "Slendy wanted me to get you for breakfast" he spoke.

I shook my head and looked down quietly. I was taught not to eat because of how fat I am which is true. The little dude shook his head and said "sorry but slendy said you have to eat no matter what, oh by the way Names Ben". I didn't saying but nodded anyways.

I walk out of my room and closed the door. I put up my hood and Ben lead me to the kitchen. We walked into the kitchen and I felt really uncomfortable. I never sat with other people. I walked over to an empty seat next to ej.

Mist- er I mean slendy put a plate of food in front of me. I shook my head no pushed the plate away from me. slendy pushes the plate back and said "you are gonna stay here until you finish at least one pancake". I gulped but nodded. I looked at the food in front of me and I didn't know what to do. Everyone was looking at me. Probably thinking I'm fat, or ugly, or I'm not skinny enough. I mean they wouldn't be wrong.

I kept on poking my food and everyone was gone from the table. A knock was heard from the door. Sally ran to the door and opened it. "Huh!! Lulu!!!! Your back!!" She yelled happily. My hand twitched at the sound of that name. I wanted to look up but it probably wasn't really Lucille.

The other creepy pastas walked over to the door and greeted this 'lulu'.

The girl sounded familiar, very familiar. I still didn't look up. I was also taught to ignore people as if I didn't even exist. "Hey who's that sitting by them self" she asked the others.

Sally jumped up and said "that is Jeff, he's really handsome". That probably was lie. I'm not handsome, I'm the opposite, I'm ugly. "Jeff" the girl said. For some reason my head moved up in its own. I looked at her and my eyes widened. I got up and ran to her. She had her arms wide open. I ran into her arms and hugged her as if my life depended on it.

I looked away from her gaze and my body began trembling so I ended up breaking the hug. She must of known what I was thinking cause She slapped me lightly on the cheek and said "DONT.YOU.EVER.BLAME.YOURSELF.FOR.SOMETHING.THEY.DESERVED.YOU.HEAR.ME!!!!!" She yelled at me. I flinched and looked down. I hugged my arms and nodded not saying anything.

"Hey, have you eaten anything yet" she asked with a hint of hope in her voice. I faked smiled and nodded my head. Hopefully no one says anything. Most of them gave me a look that most likely said 'liar'. Sally the most honest said "Jeffy is Lying". Lulu looked at me and waited for someone else to say something. "He hasn't eaten since he arrived here" Ben and Toby said. Lulu glared at me and I really found my shoes interesting. "His food is still on the table untouched" bloody-painter said. "Slendy said that if he doesn't finish at least on pancake he can't leave the kitchen" said Ej.

Lulu grabbed my arm and dragged me to the kitchen table. She sat me down and heated up the food. The others watching, hoping she can get me to eat. The food finally finished heating up and she slid the plate right in front of me.

She sat down across from me and said "I don't care if I have to stay here for the whole day, or force this food down your throat, you will eat at least one pancake, you got that!". I hugged my arms and stared at the food. She grabbed the fork and knife and cut it into triangles. My hands trembled as I stared at the food. I grabbed the fork from her hands.

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