The Scent of a Trap

Start from the beginning

"But it also means, Ironside has not prepared to fight. Ubba will not be paying an excessive amount of money to an ill old man who is only getting worse by the week." Khaana said.

Skorpa raised a brow and lowered his voice to a whisper "you think we've been had?" He asked.

"I think Ubba is to in love with his silver to give it away. Even for me." Khaana nodded towards the trees. "You will see...Ubba foes not act quickly. Waiting will allow Ironside's men to travel farther, getting me closer to his lands before he strikes. Means less work for him. But tell...who ordered me bound?" Khaana said.

"Our lord said it was Ubba's command to bind your hands, feet and mouth. He said it would weaken your powers." Rûnhild said.

Khaana chuckled "it does nothing but keep me still." She said in amusement. "Which works in his favor should he raid the camp to take me. I could not flee in the chaos." She said.

Skorpa and Rûnhild looked to each other. "Keep up your guard, we will see what tomorrow will bring." Khaana said, she nodded up to Ironside's tent. "Lead me forward - let's see what your lord wants." She sighed.


"She is not bound? Are you fools?" Ironside growled as Khaana and the two Danes stood before him. "She was lord..." Rûnhild murmured.

"She was and it was unfitting, so now she is not." Skorpa cut in.

Ironside narrowed his eyes. "You are among my men, my warriors. I am becoming feeble but you will listen to me." He growled towards Skorpa, who rolled his eyes.

"Why have you asked for me?" Khaana asked, head held high and eyes expressionless.

"I wished to look at you. You are an odd beauty - but still a beauty. Why should Ubba get you gaze upon you til his last days. I put in the work to capture you for him - I should have the chance to gaze upon the beauty the gods crafted for their bidding." Ironside said.

"You did not capture me. Your men did. Five of them. If any man should gander - it is them, not you." As Khaana spoke a frown grew across Ironside's face and Rûnhild tried not to chuckle.

"She has a point father, they have all worked to get here here, to get us here.  You called me and my men from across the waters. These shores are cruel and my Oarmen deserve reward." Skorpa mused, he knew his father well and if it's one thing he loved to keep for himself - it was women.

Ironside sneered. "Never, would you have me cursed by parading her about the camp?" He asked.

Skorpa shrugged.

"You two are dismissed." Ironside said waving Rûnhild and Skorpa away. Rûnhild did as she was told, sending a last glance to Skorpa. He did not move, rather he planted his feet to hold his ground and crossed his arms.

"I am not leaving, if only to make sure you do not damage the very reason you've  called all of us here. Should Ubba find her...sullied, he will kill us all." Skorpa said.

Ironside scrunched up his face as if he were a child on the verge of throwing a tantrum.

"You will be rid of your close." Ironside ordered. Khaana laughed, she looked up at Skorpa "I am going back to my tent" She told him. Skorpa smirked and gave a bow of his head. Khaana turned her back to Ironside and headed for the open of his tent.

"You will not turn your back to me witch!" Ironside shouted. "I believe she already has." Skorpa snickered, following after her.

Back at her tent while Khaana lay among the furs on the floor Skorpa sat down a fair distance from her, sword stabbed into the earth.  He quietly watched her a faint smile on his face.

"Why are you stayed here?" She asked him. "You will need a guarantee that no man will sneak in through the night. I will guard you." He said.

Khaana threw him a sideways glance and raised a brow. "Which can be done from outside." She said.

Skorpa chuckled, "I find myself fascinated by you. Your eyes are wild like wolves, you move with the power of a war horse and you smell of a pyre a good death." He said.

Skorpa then gave her a smirk "and my feeble father is right. You have beauty." He hummed.

Khaana gave him a flat gaze and turned her back to him "so long as you keep your distance. Ubba isn't the only one put there who feels I'm his in some way." She said.

Skorpa laughed "my intentions are not that of my fathers. I merely wish to gaze upon and marvel. I am contemt to dream of what your gift will allow me to accomplish." He said.

Khaana closed her eyes and tried to find sleep. She had two days to escape and get back to Uhtred and Brida before they would try and plea to Ubba alone.

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