Chapter Nine: Stalking a stalker

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Chapter Nine: Stalking a stalker

Aidan made it out of the car alive. Unfortunately.

Well, that's because he threatened to snitch on my Aunt once we got home. I knew I should have left him in the middle of nowhere, and drove off. Maybe next time..

When we both got home, we found Aunt Em and Selena on FaceTime with my Mom.

"Look Lucia, Sofia and Aidan are back from school!" Aunt Em informed my mom, once we walked into the kitchen.

"Oh, let me see them," she squealed through the phone. I kind of missed her voice.

Aunt Em got up from the kitchen island, and walked to where Aidan and I were awkwardly standing near the doorway. "Your mom wants to say hi."

I took the phone from her hand. My mom's face lit up with excitement when she looked Aidan and I. Her blonde hair was tied in a neat ponytail, and I noticed the light face of makeup she had on. Aidan and I waved at her through the screen.

"Hey ma" I greeted.

"Hola niños! How are you guys?" She asked. I could barely hear her over the loud voices in the background. I assumed she was in some type of cafe, because of the continuous sound of utensils clinking, the animated chatters from the customers of the seemingly busy place, and the large sign behind her that read "Jo's Cafe,' in Bickham script.

"We're fine. Hey, where are you?" I asked her, just to be sure. Even though the sign behind her had the answer clear as day, I asked her anyway.

"I'm at this local café, with my friend Dani. I would love to introduce her to you guys, but she's ordering our pastries right now."

"Is she hot?" Aidan asked eagerly, and I gave him a quick nudge to the side. What a douche. He clutched  his side immediately, groaning in pain. "What the hell?" He whimpered.

My mother made a face. "She's thirty five, idiota."

"Age is just a number, ma." I think he sensed I was going to give him another nudge because he immediately backed away from me. I gave him a warning glare and he put his hands up in defeat. My mother kissed her teeth. She was probably used to Aidan's antics by now.

"Anyway," She rolled her eyes. "Have you guys checked up on Carina, yet?" My mother asked.

"Not yet. I'll pass by on the weekend, maybe," Aunt En told her from the kitchen island. She was currently helping Selena with her homework.

Carina is my twenty five year old cousin who decided to stay at our house while my mom travelled to London. She couldn't look for any accommodation when she went to college, so my mom let her have the house for herself for the next six months. Originally, the plan was for Aidan, Selena, and I to stay with our cousin—but just like my mother— Carina was constantly busy with her college work and her job at the mall. It just made more sense to stay with my Aunt since she only worked at the hospital for five nights, so she would almost always  be home during the day.

"Alright, I have to go. I just got a text from my boss telling me that I have work earlier than usual today. I'll talk to you guys later, okay? I love you," my mother blew Aidan and I a kiss. I caught it in my hand and placed it on my heart.

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