Chapter 6

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When temperance woke up, Summer was up not too long after. Trotting towards the kitchen at the smell of eggs and pancakes.

"Yummy. Cakes!" Summer beamed rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Yes, pancakes, and eggs too." Temperance said.

Temperance placed a plate of eggs and pancakes in front of the happy child. The doorbell rang and Temperance frowned as Summer requested that she hold her.

"Alright." She said picking the small child up. "Its okay." She looked through the peephole. An angry Booth was staring directly at the peephole seeing her blue eye staring back at him. Temperance opened the door slightly

"What in gods name were you thinking, we need you on this case Temperance. If you need someone to take Summer off your hands you should call me and i could get Shaw to take care of her." Seeley said.

 "She is scared of everyone, I just got her to trust Cam and Angela." Temperance said.

"Well shaw has a kid bones, Summer will love her, I promise!" Seeley said taking Summer in his arms

"Summer what do you think?" Temperance asked.

"I dunno" she shrugged as she played with booths tie.

"Okay, how about I take Summer to see shaw and see how she feels about her." Temperance said.

"Okay great, let's go!" Seeley exclaimed.

"What!? Booth Summer hasn't even ate her breakfast yet." Temperance yelled.

"Calm down, calm down. Just bring it with, we just really need you on this case bones." Seeley said.

"Booth, you know how I feel about being rushed!!" Temperance reminded him.

"Sorry Temperance but I told Cam I would have you there at nine and its going on nine-thirty, let's go. Please, you Know how cam gets.." Seeley said.

"Fine. Ill just give agent shaw some money to get her some food." Temperance said grabbing Summers shoes and jacket.

"Thanks bones," Seeley said. "It means a lot, really."

Temperance simply nodded and closed the door behind them.


"Hi, I'm agent shaw, what's your name?" Shaw asked Summer.

Summer burrowed her face in Temperance's chest.

"She's shy, my apologies. Her name is Summer." Temperance said.

"Summer! What a beautiful name, for such a beautiful little girl." Shaw smiled.

Temperance could feel Summer smile into her chest.

"Summer, Shaw is a very nice woman, you can trust her. Look!" Temperance said as Shaw showed Summer a picture in her wallet of her son.

"His name is Aiden, he's a little older than you, but he's very nice, like you. " Shaw said.

"Ai-Aiden?" Summer murmered as she hesitantly reached out and touched the picture. "Petty..."

"Handsome." Temperance corrected her.

Summer smiled up at Temperance and covered her mouth. "I mean hansome."

Shaw showed Summer her badge. "And see. I have a shiny badge like Mr. Booth." She smiled.

Summer looked up at Temperance as though to question whether Seeley had one. Temperance nodded back in agreeance.

Shaw put her wallet away and stuck her hand out for Summer to grab.

Summer reluctantly grabbed her hand then ran into shaws arms.

Temperance scoffed and looked at her little girl in a perfect strangers arms. She's known her but ten minutes and already trusts her. "How... Did you do that?"

"Agent Booth didn't tell you?" Shaw asked.

"Tell me what?" Temperance asked.

"I switched to special Victims... I work with children like Summer on a normal basis..." Shaw said.

"Wait" Temperance said getting a little teary eyed. "You can't, Shaw no Booth didn't tell me that you--"

"No no no, I'm not taking Summers case. Booth specifically told me that he wanted to talk to you first about what you want to do." Shaw said.

"Of course not, I want her case-- I mean I don't think its a good idea for her to have to keep meeting new people..." Temperance said looking down.

"Well no offense Dr. Brennan, but that is part of life..." Shaw said standing up.

"I don't like it. And I'm sure she doesn't either.... I'm going to talk to Booth, thanks for your help Agent Shaw." Temperance said getting up and handing Shaw fifty dollars. "She hasn't ate breakfast, and theres a little extra in case you need it for pull ups or anything."


"Dr. Brennan, so glad you decided to come back!" Cam smiled.

"Not for long if Booth gives our case away to special victims, so let's hurry and solve it." Temperance said swiping her card and walking onto the platform.

"Brennan. I'm sorry I didn't take Summer, I didn't think you would quit!" Angela said.

"That's the least of my worries. Booth is thinking of giving this case to shaw and special victims." Temperance said.

"Why? There's no evidence of rape or domestic violence." Daisy said confused.

"You're worried they will take the girl." Jack laughed.

"I know how the system is. I just hate to see another kid go through what I did, that's all." Temperance said.

"Oh my god you love her. Honey tell booth." Angela said.

"No. I just don't want her to go into the system so young." Temperance said putting a rib down angrily.

"Shut up. That's why you didn't make Booth find a new foster home for the girl." Cam smirked.

"You've never been this close with a kid before and you actually like it." Jack said.

"And it will break your heart to have her taken from you." Angela said.

"Okay. Shut up. Just ugh!!!" Temperance clenched her hands. "I have become quite attached, yes, will I be broken hearted? No. The heart cannot break, its a muscle it can only be crushed. I may be crushed if she is taken from me, but that doesn't matter. I just want what's best for her."

A/n: sorry this is another short update but I'm gonna be updating a lot more now because I'm on Christmas break!!!

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