Chapter 3

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"Thanks for the ride, Booth." Temperance said, waiving. "Any chance you can find me a car seat??"

Booth smirked and rolled up the window.

Summer had been playing with Temperance's hair, after a whole day of hearing silence other than whimpering the child spoke "Petty."

"Pretty?? Oh you think my hair is pretty, thank you Summer!" Temperance said turning around and walking into her apartment building. They rode the elevator up to the fourth floor and Summer continued to attempt to win over Temperance. She giggled and smiled the cute little smile that could win her an award.

Temperance got Summer and herself changed and ready for bed. She couldn't get Summer to detach from her so that she could tuck her in, so instead she allowed it.

"Only for tonight." She said. Laying down she rubbed Summers back to help her sleep. She kissed her forehead and drifted into sleep as well.


Temperance woke up peacefully to Summer playing with her ear. "Hey" she smiled. "Are you hungry young lady?"

The child hummed in reply. Temperance took that as a yes and began to make breakfast. "Egg" Summer said.

"Yes, eggs for you. I prefer to eat toast, but I can make eggs." Temperance looked in the refrigerator and picked up the egg carton. "How do you like your eggs? Fried, scrambled, boiled??"

Summer looked at the eggs then back at Temperance. "Egg?"

"Okay I will just make scrambled eggs." Temperance said. She cracked an egg and put it in a bowl, then another, then another. She whisked them, added seasoning then cooked them. "Here you are, are these okay?" Summer nodded and made sign language for food.

Temperance sat Summer down at the table with the eggs at the table before her. Summer stabbed an egg into the fork and brought it to her mouth. With a mouth full of eggs she said "Yummy" and giggled.

Summer didn't finish all of the eggs, but enough to be full, so Temperance put the leftovers in the fridge for later.


Temperance walked into Angela's office, Summer on her hip and a bag of diapers and other clothes. "Angela, can you please help!" Temperance groaned.

Angela turned around and began to laugh "Wow, honey, you with a kid?" she said smirking. "Never thought I'd see this."

Temperance glared at her friend and sighed "She wont let me set her down unless were at home."

"Well, what do you expect, she's terrified." Angela remarked.

"I need to work, can you take her? Please Ange. She doesn't like Booth and you're the only person I can think of." Temperance said while Summer rested her head on Temperance's shoulder.

"Sure, yeah, bring her here." Angela said opening her arms.

Temperance attempted to coax Summer to go to Angela, but she just latched on harder. "Summer, please, she's my friend, she won't hurt you."

"My name is Angela, I'm an artist. Its okay, you can trust me!" Angela said softly.

Temperance tried to set Summer down, but she fought it. She started whimpering again. "No. Mama!" she said frustrated.

"No, I'm not your mother!" Temperance said.

"Brennan!" Angela yelled. "She doesn't know where her mother is, she thinks your her mother. Don't you understand? She trusts you, and loves you because she believes that you ARE her mother." Angela said trying to be calm around the child. "You have to work with her, she's not going to trust anyone else yet."

"Ange I have no place to make this poor child believe I am her mother, more than she already does!" Temperance said.

"Have you even taken a look at the file of the victim?" Angela asked.

"I haven't had time. Why?" Temperance asked.

"Here look for yourself." Angela handed Temperance the file. Temperance read over the file and looked up at Angela confused.

"Mommy!" Summer yelled and pointed at the picture.

"She looks exactly like you Brennan." Angela said.

"I don't understand, this woman is ten years younger than me." Temperance shook her head.

"Like a child pays attention to age markers?" Angela put her hand on her hip.

"Never mind, I will ask Cam instead." Temperance said before trudging away frustrated. Temperance rushed into Cam's office.

"Hello... Doctor Brennan?" Cam said turning around noticing Temperance had a child in her arms. "W-w- uh.... Is that Summer Toledo?" Cam asked with her face distorted.

"Yes. Booth made me take care of her last night. Can you watch her for a little while?" Temperance asked.

"Dr. Brennan I have pathology results to analyze. I ca-"

"Oh please, I haven't got any work done in this case." Temperance begged. "My back is killing me, and no one else will take her. She seems to think I'm her mother, and i-" Temperance said.

"Dr. Brennan! You have found a child who is most likely an orphan, I highly doubt you could actually say you've done nothing in this case." Cam said.

"Listen up Camille Saroyan. I will not work any further in this case if I must do it with a child." Temperance said grouchily.

"Then go home Dr. Brennan. You can come back when we finish this case." Camille may have not realised it yet, but she just triggered something deep inside Temperance, that would create a domino effect and change everything about Temperance Brennans outlook on life.

"W-w-what?" Temperance asked. "Are you firing me Cam?"

"I'm excusing you temporarily." Cam said. "I can't fire you Dr. Brennan."

Temperance stood in the doorway of Cam's office, tears welling up in her eyes. "Please Cam." Brennan pleaded. "You don't understand why I need this so bad, just take the child so I can find this piece of shit."

Cam sighed and took a deep breath. "No."

"I quit. I never want to hear from the Jeffersonian, or any of its employees ever again." Temperance said before turning to walk away. "I will email you my formal letter of dismissal." She said continuing to walk out of the office.

Cam sat at her desk speechless and completely aware of the fact that everyone was going to lose their jobs now. She hung her head in shame, but knew that Temperance was a stubborn woman, and she couldn't change her mind.

"Hey." Angela said running after Temperance. "Hey!" she yelled. Temperance ignored her. "Hey Brennan!!"

"What!?" Temperance snapped.

"Woah woah. Okay.. What the hell is going on?" Angela stepped back slightly.

"What's going on? I'll tell you what's going on. I no longer want to speak to you or cam, or Booth! Between the three of you, you have caused me to go insane. I can't stand you!!" Temperance yelled and poked Angela in the chest. "You are a.. you all are a bunch of bullies, and I can't stand it!" she started to cry furiously.

Angela blinked and watched Brennan continue on her way out of the building. Angela walked into Cam's office. "Okay, we are so dead." She told cam. Cam looked up at Angela with her black makeup smeared.

"Angela, we are more than dead, we are going to be tortured and beaten to death for this. I have made the biggest mistake in my life. Booth is going to be pissed." Cam explained.

"Oh no, Bren called him a bully too. its just as much his fault as it is ours." Angela said.


A/N: So what do you think? what a plot twist right? Well I hope its not too much drama to start with :P oh well. Comment? I'd love some encouragement to continue.

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