Chapter 39-Hi, New York

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“Your sister called us a few minutes ago about you flying to New York at this ungodly hour.”The king told him as he entered the room.

“Morning” The queen grumbled as she pulled herself into a seating position in their bed. It was un-lady-like for a queen like her to do it but then again, she was just human and the thought made Stephen smile.

“Good morning, ma.” He greeted her with a grin on his face. The queen returned the smile and gestured for him to hug her which he did. “I’ll be back. Don’t worry.”

“I was just about to say that the hug was for your sister not for you. You’re too full of yourself, hijo.” Victoria joked as he lets go of his son. “Seriously speaking though, hug your sister for me and tell her that I miss her so much.”

“Absolutely.” He assured his mom, smiling meekly at her.

“Also make sure to make it right this time, hijo. Win Priscilla over.” King Leo said placing a hand on his son’s shoulder. “Do it right, son. If you’ve done your best and nothing happened, she’s not for you. But then we all believe that she’s for you so if nothing happened, you probably didn’t do your best.”

“I’ll definitely do it right this time, Pa.” The prince answered, smiling at his dad. “I’ll wait until she has accepted me once again.”

“Now, go! The car is waiting outside to send you to the airport.” Victoria told his son. A smile was crept up on her face obviously looking forward to seeing Priscilla and his son together.

“Alright. See you soon.” The prince said as he walked out of his parent’s room. He then proceeded to Angelique’s room.

The princess was sound asleep with her blonde locks was pointed in all possible directions. Stephen smiled at the loveliness and the look of innocence on his sister’s face.

“I’ll be back, Geli. I’ll introduce you to her soon.” He whispered as he kissed his sister’s forehead before leaving the room and the palace.


“Stop pacing around.”Jason ordered as Catherine continued to walk back and forth in the living room.

“But I’m nervous…” She mumbled as she stopped in front of him. She immediately slumped beside him on the sofa.

“Relax, your brother is fine.” He said as he wrapped an arm around the princess. “How about we get some breakfast first before heading to the airport?”

“I know he is fine and he will be but I’m not sure if you would be as soon as he arrives.”The princess teased, flashing a grin. Jason’s smile immediately faded and his nose scrunched up. “He’ll probably beat your ass after finding out about us.”

“Just my ass?” Jason raised his eyebrows. “I think my eyeballs are the only one’s safe.”

“You should grab some protective gear instead of grabbing some breakfast.” The princess joked as she poked Jason’s cheeks “Seriously speaking though, I’m nervous.”

“We’ll be fine.” Jason assured her, kissing her forehead. “He won’t be mad at us.” He added as he kissed her lips.

“You think so?”

“I’m positive.”


“He loves us both.” Jason answered. “That sounded a little gay, don’t you think?”

“It does, hun. It does.” The princess chuckled. “Anyway, are we going to grab some breakfast or not?”

“Where do you want to it?” Jason asked.

“How about we’ll just eat when Stephen arrives?” the princess suggested. “At least we could condition him or something?”

“Whatever you like best but aren’t you hungry?” He asked her with a flash of concern etched on his face.

“Not at all plus, I have to watch my figure. The fashion show’s in a few days.” The princess answered as she stood up, touching her tummy. “I don’t want them to see my fats that day.”

“You don’t have to starve yourself, Cath.” Jason told her as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “You’re perfect the way you are. You’re already sexy and you don’t have to be skinny.”

“I won’t starve myself, promise.” Catherine smiled.

“Good, just eat healthy and exercise. You don’t have to skip meals.”

“I won’t skip meals.” She repeated. “So, are we going now or are we going to let Stephen call our phones and ask us why aren’t we in the airport yet?”

“Right. He won’t like it if we’d let him wait because of…reasons.”Jason said as he un-wrapped his arms around the princess’ waist and held her hand. “Off to the airport we go.”


“Hey, man.” Jason greeted with a huge smile as he saw his best friend. The two immediately gave each other a manly hug.

“What’s up?” Stephen grinned at him. He then noticed the lack of presence of her sister. “Where’s Cath?”

“Women’s room. She said she had to pee.” Jason answered as he pointed towards the general direction of the princess’ location. “So, how was your flight?”

“It was good but terribly long, I should say. How’s everything here?”

“Good but it’s almost lunch time how about we take a brunch?” Jason suggested as he looked at his watch.

“Stephen!”Catherine screamed as she ran and hugged her brother. She didn’t realise how she missed her brother not until she sees him again. “I missed you!”

“I missed you too, Cath.” He replied as they pulled away from each other. “You’re still that little girl I know.”

“Little, huh?” Jason chided. “Yeah, little.” He added sarcastically.

“She is that is why I still don’t want her to have a boyfriend.” The prince replied as he placed his arm around his sister’s shoulder and gave Jason a meaningful look.

The awkward silence from Jason and Cath made Stephen chuckle. “Relax, I was just kidding. If you two are already together just tell me so I’d know when should I threaten Jason.”

“Dude, you’ve already threaten me before we left the kingdom.” Jason whined which made the prince laugh. “Save yourself from threatening me again. I know and I’ve kept it all in mind.”

“So does this mean you two are really together now, Cath?” Stephen asked addressing her sister.

“Uhh…If yes, will you be mad at me?” Cath asked doubtfully. Her eyes were everywhere except Stephen’s direction. It reminded Stephen of her when she was young.

“You’re all grown up but you really are that little girl I know years ago. I won’t be mad, Cath.” He chuckled. “Alright, I know you two are already together. You have my blessings just well, don’t make her cry.”

“Really?” Cath looked at him, her blue eyes were glistening. “You’re the best brother ever!” She said hugging him tight.

“You only have one brother ever, so obviously I’m your best brother ever.” He joked as he hugged her back. “Now, why don’t we eat? I’m starving.”

“Let’s go!” Cath cheered as she pulled away from her brother.

Be my Queen ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon