I have a daughter

Start from the beginning

I now got a good look at the girl and her eyes and blue but sadly faded and looked like she was blind. she had blonde hair her body the wash skinny and small my guess is both my body and girl's body was maybe in the teens 16 or 17 of age. the girl pulled the vibrator out of the bag and turned it on. q loud buzz cam from the vibrator as the girl held it in her hands. she then said "ok I need you to hold it." my hand then took the vibrator from the girl and I then heard my body say "what now." I then felt my pants and panties get pulled to my ankles. my legs closed quickly and almost hit the girl in her face. my body got hot as it said: "what the hell." I then saw the girl's hand appear out from my knees. my body hesitated before giving the vibrator to her and my leg was pulled apart and the vibrator placed on my clit. my body suddenly spasm out and a loud moan came from my mouth but a hand covered it midway and it turned to a muzzled moan. my body shook more as it felt like I needed to pee. I held it back but soon enough my body all tightened up and I lost control and began to squirt over my legs and the floor. the girl between my legs giggled and said "you're a fast one. well that's good I guess." the vibrator stopped buzzing and the girl got up off her stomach and said, "so I do wonder are we a thing or do I get to play with your body for fun until you don't want me Too." I left the body and hovered over the back of the couch and saw a younger version of my daughter. my stomach became twisted as I found my daughter's body attractive and I even played with it. I stared away and listened to their conversion. my daughter then said "well you going to tell your dad about us." a long pause followed with the other girl saying "yes, I will if you promise to be there for me." a few moments later I heard both girls get up and my daughter put her clothes back on and both left from behind the couch and my daughter gave a kiss to the other girl and said "I'll go out the door and knock on it and then you tell your father that I'm your girlfriend... ok?" the other girl nod as my daughter left I saw the other face filled with regret and fear. I knew this was not going to end well at all. I raised off the couch and went to follow my daughter. I stood there next to her and said "I'm sorry, I was not there to help you. I wish I was." I saw my daughter shiver and then began knocking on the door. I heard footsteps and the door swung open and the dad of the girl stood in the doorway pissed. he then said "can I help you." my daughter then looked at passed him at the girl but she looked at the ground. the dad then said "hello, can I help you?" my daughter had tears in her eyes at this point and looked at her dad and said "your daughter has me pleasuring me for the last year. she was spouse to tell you but I guess she didn't." the guy looked at her then at his daughter and said "is this true?" the girl looked at the ground still and quietly said "no." my daughter eyes filled with tears but was interrupted by the dad yelling "I don't think your sick joke is funny. you need to leave or I will call the cops. you have some nerve..." I pushed the dad to the ground making him slide. my daughter was in shock and ran away. I looked at the dad then the daughter and shook my head in anger as I slowly walked away watching my daughter wipe her eyes and ran on the side of the road. cars passed by until one came to a stop and the lights off it blinded me for a moment until a woman walked in front of the light and held her arms open. my daughter ran to her and hugged her and said: "Mom, you're was right!" I couldn't see any features of the woman as I slowly approached. the woman put her hand out to tell me not to come any closer, but I wanted to and I needed to see if it was truly my daughter and the one who carried my baby.

a golden orb started to form around me as I ran towards them I then woke up hitting my head against the driver seat headrest. I rubbed my forehead and looked around as the sun was extremely bright, I covered my eyes and saw we were in a different car and the angel was looking at me from the passenger seat and said: "easy now relax." I then looked outside the car and saw we were parked at a gas station getting gas. it was old though all the land around the gas station was hot dry sand from miles far as I could see. the car was hot and I felt sweat on my body, I looked at angel with widen eyes and said: "where is my daughter!" I then heard my daughter say "I'm right here." she waved at the other side of the car and had a smile on her face as she held the gas handle pumping gas into the car. I sighed in relief ribbing my head as I was getting a pounding headache. angel turned away from me and reached between her legs and opened a cooler and pulled out a water bottle filled with water. she then wiped it off and gave it to me and said "you probably dehydrated. so this will help with that headache." I nod and drunk the water in a few moments and squeezed the bottle to get every drip. if felt like my body was the desert with rain covering it. I closed my eyes and leaned back in the seat and said "where are we?" angel then said "nowhere, like we are in the middle of nowhere. which is good after you killed 48 people and took a stolen car of the military and destroyed a highway causing even more damage with the wildfire you started." I opened my eyes and said "I don't care, they all should burn." angel smiled and said "I see why I slept with you now." my daughter then said "that's gross guys, how about you tell I'm where we are going." angel looked at her then me and said, "well we are going through the desert to find a cave that we will make ours and decorate it to become our new home." I looked at my daughter and said "what is your name?" angel gave me a worried look and looked at my daughter. my daughter put the pump up and closed the gas cap and walked to the driver's side of the car and got in. she sat down and started the car not talking. she sat there then looked in the rearview mirror and said: " my name is Louisa Patterson but mom mostly called me Loulou." I smiled and said "I love that name." she nods and said "yep mom gave it to me, why were you not there for me. mom has told me why but what is your excuse." angel then said "oh so second thought I do have to go to the bathroom. " Loulou nod and angel quickly left the car. I looked at her face in the rearview mirror and saw this question was troubling her greatly. I looked at the steering wheel to see her knuckles going white from her gripping the wheel tightly. I frown and said "I don't have one. by the time I knew you were even born, I was thrown underground or sent into a hurricane to fight a monster. but I'm here now and I want to know everything about you. like the night the girl didn't tell her dad about you and her having a relationship together. " I saw her grip give and her hand slide down the wheel and she looked out the window as she said "mom took me away and I moved the next week. the girl ... I thought loved me tried to apologize but I didn't let her. we never spoke after that... I do think about her though. it's tough and my heart hurts every time." I rubbed her shoulder and said "at least you are still alive." she turned around and gave me a confused look. I laughed and said "well it was like second grade and this girl named summer. natural redhead, me and her had a thing. but she moved and we broke up. the next day she didn't come in I cried nonstop my mom was called and she had to bring me home because I cried too much. I later found out she was throwing up blood in the hospital and never heard about her sense." she giggled and said, "I guess we are horrible at picking partners." I nod and said "I guess so... um are you bisexual gay or straight. " she pushed my hand away and said, "really you ask that now!" I then said "well sorry I want to know more about my daughter that I haven't seen." she turned to face me and said, "I'm not sure, I mostly like girls but after what happened I stopped dating altogether." I nod and said "well if we find a girl we can tag team her." she pushed my shoulders and said "that is so gross." she laughed and faced forward, I laughed and said "well I mean come on its not that bad of an idea. so you want to ask me anything?" she nods and turned around in the seat again and said, " did you love mom." I smiled and said "not really, she was guessing an angel that I banged in 1066. but don't think that means I don't love you. I may have not been there but I am now." she nods and said "mom talked about you a lot, she talked about how you were the best warrior and how you fought the evil and so much but last thing I hear her say about you as we will be crossing paths. I didn't believe her but look you're here!"

I rubbed her head messing it up and said "I sure am, so where are we going to." she smiled and said "we are going to your old home. mom made someone take care of it while we were gone." I was confused a bit and I guess I showed that because Loulou then said "oh yeah. um, your family doesn't live there anymore."I nod and said "where they go." she bit her lip and was about to say something but I stopped her and said, "never mind I rather not know." I sat there in shock until I asked "what is the year?" at this moment angel got in the car and leaned in her seat. Loulou looked at her and said "bulk up dummy." and pushed Angel's stomach, I looked at angel grin and bulked up and said, "it doesn't matter I'm a pink tank." Loulou laughed and said, "but thanks can always break down." I then said, "so what is the year?" Loulou said, "oh it is 2020." I leaned in the seat a bit stunned I was in the military place for years, but it felt like days maybe a week at most. the feeling of me posting track of time was overwhelming and kept me quiet through the desert roads as the sun began to set. I stared out the window blankly and didn't want to think about anything else. I just wanted to give my brain a good long break.

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