A World I Once Knew

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Once coming through the portal, I was met by a massive bridge that leads to a massive statue. Off the bridge was a drop off that lead to mist. I looked around a bit amazed, I looked at Angel that was walking to the statue. I ran to keep up with her. I then said, "So is this it or is there more?" Angel laughed and said, "We talk to the statue and then we get teleported to the time we need to go to." My eyes widen and I said, "We can teleport through time like a time machine!" she nods. I then quickly ran to the statue. She ran after me and was trying to stop me for some reason. I turned around and started to run backward and said, "Come on slowpoke!" She then yelled, "Watch out!" I turned around to see I was about to run into someone. I tried to stop but it was too late. I pretty much tackled this person in a robe.

We both fell to the ground and Angel ran to us. I got up and tried to help the person back up, but Angel yelled something and got my attention. I then said "What?" as I looked to see the person in the robe was a black mist thing. It pulled out a sword and was about to stab me until Angel tackled it to the ground and did some kind of spin then threw it and it flew away. She then got in my face and said, "Stop doing stupid shit before you get us both damn killed!" I bit my lip to keep me from saying anything smartass. I then followed her as she walked to the statue. She then said ""I like to go to the year 2025." I was curious about what that time period. The statue then started to move and pulled a sword out and swung it. I dunked down behind Angel as she stood still when that massive stone sword flew inches over our heads and cut open the stone it was on and made a portal. She then walked to the portal and held her breath and jumped in the portal. I thought it was weird, so I didn't hold my breath when I jumped in the portal. I fell into the water at least 30 feet under. I panicked and looked around until I saw Angel swimming to the top. I quickly started to kick and try to get to the surface of the water. My chest was hurting badly as my vision started to fade out and in. The last thing, I saw was something coming at me before I blacked out.

I woke up to coughing up water and dark blue sky. I raised up to see angel did CPR on me. my chest felt like I had a few cracked ribs on top of the ounces I have before. she laid back on the ground out of breath and was smiling. I slowly got up and looked around to see where we were. I saw water going out to where I can't see anymore. I turned to see a city covered in green. I asked, "what happened here?" angel then said, "well as you can see no humans means the plants take over. "I gave her an annoyed look and said, "no duh, but why is there no humans?" she smiled and said "OH, you want to know what happened to everyone. well turns out there are gods not one and they fucked shit up."

then I heard a deep manly voice said "yes we fucked shit up. but that was before your ugly ass showed up." I turned to see it was Aiden but a very built version of him. I then said "Aiden? is that really you?" angel and Aiden looked at me confused, angel then asked, "how do you know Aiden?" I smiled and said "well he used to share a body with Elizabeth in my book the earthly cleaning. but you were skinnier and less buff. why are you here though? shouldn't you be finding Elizabeth and helping her? "they both were a bit shock I knew some much. but Aiden played along with me and said "oh... um. well, I have no clue where she is, to be honest. " I smiled and said "oh that's it's she just met with Mika and they are soon to be parting ways and Elizabeth and .... the werewolf girl, I forgot her name. but she will be with her and they are going to the frozen city." Aiden then said, "why are they going to a frozen city for?" I rolled my eyes and said "well it's not a frozen city, it's THE frozen city. "angel then asked, "why is it so special?"

I smiled and said "I'm glad you asked, well the city was the last biggest home for humans, but a fast freeze killed them all and Lucifer being himself with no one telling him what to do leave the souls trapped there. soooooo the souls are damned and seeking revenge on any god that has a death wish and goes into the city. god, I love talking about my books. but see if this is taking place then doesn't that mean you are for one of my books. "I looked at angel closely and tried to think of where she was from. Aiden then said "ok, so if that's right. why would Elizabeth and this girl go there." I then said "well the werewolf girl said it was a good idea.... oh, my oh my oh my... I didn't see that coming!" angel and Aiden both said, "didn't see that!" I looked at Aiden and said "werewolf girl is going to backstab Elizabeth. I had an artist draw them in a building well Elizabeth was badly hurt. the girl was only a werewolf because Lucifer gave her the DNA. which was the plan all along! Lucifer is planning on killing Elizabeth but why.... unless when Elizabeth dies then Lucifer is no longer stuck in the underworld. shhhhhh shit that's a good plot twist! it's bad but think about it no one would have at all seen it. I mean I didn't and I'm the one writing the story."

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