Part 2- The Gender Reveals

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As the title reads this Part 2 to 'My Beautiful New World' I hope that you enjoy this part of the story. And same as the other chapter, if you have advice, please leave it in the comments.

It has been about 5 months since Naruto and Sasuke found out that they were having the twins, and they didn't think they could be any happier. They're not going to say that the last few months had been easy. But they knew that these children would not have been given to them if they couldn't handle it.
The two were on their way to the hospital, Naruto has an ultrasound to make sure the babies are ok. What the boys don't know is that the gender of the babies could be seen in this ultrasound. Tsunade and Sakura had banded everyone together and they had decided they would throw a surprise gender reveal for them.

Once they arrived at the hospital, Tsunade was standing outside with Sakura waiting for them.

Naru: Granny Tsunade, Sakura, it's good to see you.

Tsuna: It's good to see you as Naruto, Sasuke. How have you been?

Naru: Alright, it's been difficult, but we've managed.

Saku: That's good to here, Sasuke how have you been?

Sasu: I've been good, like Naruto said, the last few months have been difficult, but we've gotten through it together.

Tsuna: I'm happy to see you two in such good spirits about all of this. Either way, we should head inside.

As the 4 of them walked through the halls, Naruto seemed to be getting a lot of stares. He held his head down and turned bright red in embarrassment, it wasn't the first time he was being judged but this time it wasn't because of Kurama. Sasuke noticed how Naruto was embarrassed, he wrapped his arm around Naruto's shoulders in comfort. Sakura peaked behind he to check on the two and noticed how embarrassed Naruto was feeling being stared at by all these people. However unlike Sasuke, she wasn't one not to speak up about stuff like this, and she stopped walking.

Saku: HEY, is there a problem, hm? Why are you staring at him, huh? Is he wearing something of yours? If you got that much of a staring issue, you need to get some help, ok. Didn't any of your parents ever tell you it's rude to stare at people?!

Everyone immediately stopped staring and went on with their business. Naruto looked up at Sakura.

Naru: Thank you, Sakura.

She gave him a smile, and turned back around.
Once they arrived at the ultrasound room, Tsunade instructed Naruto to take off his shirt and put one of the green gowns on. Then she and Sakura proceeded to prepare the ultrasound machine.

Sasu: Are you ok with me staying with you? I won't be upset if you say no, I'll understand.

He said as he helped Naruto tie up the gown at the back. Naruto turned around and placed a hand softly on Sasuke's face.

Naru: Of course I want you to stay with me. You're the father of these babies, you deserve to be here with me.

Naruto pecked Sasuke on the cheek, and smiled at him. Sasuke smiled back and took his hand as they walked over to the bed where Naruto had to lay down.

Tsuna: Alright, could you lift the gown Naruto, so I can see your stomach?

Naruto did as she asked then took Sasuke's hand once more, who was standing on the opposite side of the bed as Tsunade.

Tsuna: Thank you. Now I'm going to put this gel on your stomach, it's going to be a bit cold, alright?

As she squeezed the gel onto his stomach he giggled.

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