Chapter 24

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A//N: Hey guys! Just wanted to give you a heads up that this chapter is a lil mature ~ and also completely skippable (tho I have a feeling a couple ppl may read it :) I also wanted to give a fair warning that I don't usually write these scenes but I wanted to give it try so don't judge to harshly and enjoy!

I laid back on the bed, the feeling of sticky paint drying on my stomach prevalent. The mystic had spent a good chunk of time mixing the reddish colored paint onto my skin till it looked like I'd been mauled. The swirling symbols centered on my stomach and in strong lines wrapped around my inner thighs and down to my knees before coming back up to connect. I hadn't bothered to truly study the design, after she'd finished, she'd promptly kicked me out and told me to go lay down and wait for Lux to appear. So I had gone back and stripped, feeling cold and exposed as I waited for the Alpha to show. I could feel the tightness of my throat with every swallow I took. The anxiety of waiting for the Alpha to appear was growing in my gut, twisting them as I looked to my knees that were propped up. Faintly, I wondered if she would make it quick. I wasn't too sure how the evening was supposed to go, I'd never been with a female after all.

My head lolled back against the pillow, how long had it been? Perhaps Lux was busy and she'd forgotten? Maybe despite the threat of the Gods, she still refused? I could feel my heart fluttering hopefully almost at the idea. If I looked down to my chest, I could almost swear I saw the faint movement of the organ from underneath my skin as it pulsed. Still, I tried to calm myself. Even if she did show, it would be no different than the other times. Surely if I could survive that, I could survive this?

The door opened and I jumped, tensing for a moment as I sat up slightly to see the door had shut and Lux stood in front of it. I felt once again shamefully exposed in my lack of clothing. It was simply bare skin and paint for the other to see. The thrumming in my chest grew as I watched her simply take my form in. I couldn't tell if it was an appreciate gaze or not. Though I doubted it was anything positive. I simply shifted my gaze away after a moment as I felt the bed dip down besides me.

"Are you. . . Comfortable?" She asked, her voice had seemed to take on a thickness to it for a moment. "I want you to be comfortable." She said and the bed dipped further as she came to lean over me. "Would you prefer if I undressed myself?"

I paused, cheeks flushed for a moment as I couldn't help but find it embarrassing. I nodded slightly to her. I had no desire to undress her myself.

She nodded and sat back up and from the corner of my eye, I watched her shrug off her furs. Underneath the furs, I wasn't surprised to see hard sculpted muscles on the Alpha. Lux had always seemed to be so careful of undressing and being dressed properly before bed, I hadn't seen much of her besides her well sculpted arms but I had felt the power in them when she went to wrap me up. I was unsurprised to find the rest of her just as well toned and strong looking. A few odd scars littered her body, what appeared to be claw marks slashed up her abdomen in what appeared to have been a painful manner. The Alpha finished undressing till it was both of us on the bed, bare and waiting.

She cleared her throat again, leaning down for a moment as she gently touched the side of my face. Something she'd never done before as she brought me to look at her. "I'm supposed to kiss you." She hesitated, awkwardness showing in her. "Would. . . Would you sit up so I could?"

I pushed myself up for a moment but before I fully could, she had suddenly grabbed me and pulled me onto her lap. On instinct I gripped her shoulders, my cheeks flushed as I tried to ignore bare skin brushing against each other. She looked determined as ever, the same stoic look she had on most times overtaking her face as she brushed back my hair. I could feel her hands drifting from my hips up to my shoulders and chest, slow and almost reluctant as if she didn't know what to do. She furrowed her brows for a moment, her lips pursed as she studied me. "Are you going to kiss me back?" She asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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