Chapter 8

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"We're almost there," Lux said, sliding me off her back.

I let out a small cry of surprise and stumbled onto my back as I hit the earth. The snow seeped past the layers of clothing, chilling me. I pushed myself back up and brushed the snow off.

"Are you okay?" Ivor asked quietly.

"I'm fine, I just bruised my tailbone," I mumbled, rubbing my lower back.

"Come on, we're losing daylight." Lux's voice cut through.

We nodded and followed her lead, Ivor in front of me while I hung in the back. We marched up a rocky hill with little difficulty for them. I slid and fell through in the middle of the trudge and skinned my hands. The blood trickled down my fingers and left scarlet droplets in the snow.

Lux tutted and glanced at my hands. A flash of concern lurked in her eyes. She hid it though and looked further ahead. The pine forest was just as thick as it was when we had entered it and it looked like it wasn't ending soon.

"Cyra, come here." She ordered softly.

I trotted up to her, my palms still stinging as the blood continued to flow. I tried to tuck them into the billowy sleeves of my dress, hoping to hide them. I knew though that it was futile, she had smelled the blood the minute my skin had opened up.

"Let me see them." Her voice seemed tired yet filled with unease.

I slowly slid my hands out from my sleeves and showed her my palms. The blood was slowly drying yet it continued to pour from my hands. It stained my nails and fingers as it flowed past.

She sighed deeply. Her head shook slowly and emotions swirled over her face. Her long, slender fingers trailed over the minor wounds. She stained her own fingertips and pulled them away from my palms.

"What am I supposed to do with you? I can't even trust you to walk on your own without you hurting yourself!" Her voice turned hard along with her features.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, stumbling over my words.

"Just shut up!" She growled.

I nodded pitifully and started to back away slowly from her. The anger seemed to flow from her in waves, tainting everything around her with fear.

"What are you doing," She snapped, "Didn't I say I can't trust you to walk on your own?"

"Yes." I stammered, shaking.

Suddenly, her arms wrapped around me. Her grip was like iron and she pulled me tight against her chest, squeezing me. The embrace almost seemed like a hug, but I did not return the embrace for fear of upsetting her. She picked me up and swung me onto her hip much like a mother does to a young pup.

"At least this way I can trust you not to get hurt." She huffed.

I trembled slightly, unsure of the sudden change of mood in her. The anger had disappeared and in its wake, the only thing left was her fretful attitude. I glanced around as I hung onto her tightly, fearful for her next mood.

Ivor caught my gaze. He winked at me in a reassuring way, a smile growing on his face and overtaking his features in such a way that it made his large, scruffy beard vanish.

I sighed tiredly and tucked my head against Lux's shoulder. The steady beat of her heart was audible through the marching beat of her feet. Her body seemed to sway much like the waves, lulling me into a defenseless state. I yawned quietly against her tunic, the warmth of my breath causing a puff of smoke to appear in the air.

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