Chapter four

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"Please calm down," I begged. They both stopped freaking out and looked at me. "That was mean of me; why would I do that?" He asked sadly. "No! It was not like were trying to help me..." I looked down sadly, and they looked confused. "What? How?" Gilbert asked. "I am married...still married to the same person for about thirty years, well we've been together for thirty-five....I got worried that maybe things were not going to work I was getting a divorce...the two of you gave me good advice...but Antonio said that he had gone to a fortune teller for problems...and it worked."

I wonder if what I say would change the future, but who cares? I just want to be back with Arthur. "You are married?" Antonio asked sadly. "Yes...with two kids...for some reason I was sent back before my husband, and I fell in love." I said sadly, and their eyes widened.... "you like men?" Gilbert asked, and Antonio hit him. "He told us a long time ago! it is obvious," Antonio laughed out. Gilbert tried to remember when I told them. "So who is the lucky guy?" Antonio asked.

" roommate....he is my husband, and we have two boys together that are in college...Alfred and Matthew....well they are not born yet, so I guess they will be in college" their mouths dropped, and Gilbert had no idea what to say. "Arthur???!! Like Arthur Kirkland?!!! The one who told you to get out of his way in the hallway?! The same one that glares at you?" Antonio asked, and I nodded.
"What kind of kink do you have? He is so scary," Gilbert added, terrified. "He was like that, I agree, but he changed."

I looked at them, and they seemed to accept it. "How, though?" Antonio asked. "Because....he had me, I helped him. I loved him...I still do," I said, about to cry. "If I screw this up, what if he and I don't marry anymore? Our kids...they won't be existent," they became sad as I pointed that out. "How can we help?" Gilbert asked seriously. "I have no idea; the only clues I have are two riddles...I don't even know if I am supposed to tell you. Antonio from the future recommended I not share what happened to anyone,"

"Well, that was future me; past me says it is fine. Despite consequences....we need to get you back to the original timeline, so just tell us what the riddles were." Antonio said. I looked to Gilbert, who nodded slowly. "Okay...the riddles she gave me were "what has hands but does not clap" and "I can be blind, I can be powerful, I can be difficult, deep, complicated, and tender at the same time. What am I?" Those are it" I looked at them as they were confused.

"Those are terrible," Antonio laughed. "Hmmm....I am good at riddles....let me think about the first one for a second," Gilbert said. He crossed his arms and lay back against the bed. "The lady said that Arthur had been so distant because there was a piece missing from our relationship, and he wanted me to figure out what it was...I guess he was scared to talk about it," I said sadly. "I am sure if you tried talking to him, something would have come up. "I did try...but he got so mad...that was why I went to see her first."

"What has hands but does not clap?" Gilbert said, opening his eyes quickly. He looked up to the wall, and Antonio and I stayed confused. "Well? What is it?" Suddenly I thought about what future Antonio said, and I felt bad for asking for help...but what else was I supposed to do? "The is describing a clock," he pointed to the wall to the clock. My eyes widened as I stood up to look at it. "The fortune teller...she used the clock riddle to inform me that I was being sent back...back in time. The clock refers to time travel."

I looked at the two of them as I smiled widely. "Thank you, Gilbert!!!" I smiled. "Nice job, now figures out the second one," Antonio laughed. "Let me think," he said. Gilbert stood up, grabbed some snacks from behind his bed, and ate them. I guess that was to fuel his thought process. "Hmmm, I can be blind, I can be powerful, I can be difficult, deep, complicated, and tender at the same time. What am I?.." he started. He looked to me and then to Antonio as he munched some more snacks.

"The seems to be a love riddle....the answer is a heart...I have no idea what that means, though," he shrugged. I knew exactly what it meant. "The fortune teller told me to think back to why Arthur and I fell in love with each other. What I figure out will help me.... she wants me to get him to fall in love with me again," I said, and they looked like they were about to choke. "If you do that! Who knows what things you would change? The flow of events. If the two of you got together next year, and you get with him many things would change. Your kids would be older; you would get married sooner....what if-." Gilbert stopped Antonio from freaking out.

" that won't happen.." Gilbert said. "Why not?" Antonio asked, confused. "Because....he is not going to change anything. You will do everything the way it do not try to change anything. If he did not like that shirt you gave him, do not use that as an advantage....get him the ugly shirt," Gilbert said strictly....even in later years...I would have never seen him like this.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

Dreaming of Heaven (FrUK)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें