Chapter 5: Vida's Forest

Start from the beginning

Jack pushed you behind him, his eyes began to glow. He balled his hands into tight fists. "Don't talk to her like that!" He yelled. Suddenly, Dean broke away from the others' grip. He rushed toward Jack, grabbed him by the front of his jacket, and slammed him against the wall. "Dean, stop!" You begged.

"Stay away from her, you son of a bitch!" He yelled before punching him, hard. "NO!" You yelled, Sam and Cass pulled him away, while you got in the front and pushed him. "Get the hell out." Dean said firmly, still being held back. Leaning against the wall, Jack touched his hand to his lip and licked it before leaving, coldly. He didn't even look at you.

"Jack." You said as he passed you. "Jack!" You said louder, watching him walk out of the bunker. "Why do you have to be like that?" You yelled at Dean. "Because he's not good for you, and you don't see it!" He yelled back. "I mean, him? Really?" He shook his head. "Yes him, Dean. I love him." You said back. "Love him, huh? You're eighteen, Y/N. You don't even know what the hell love is."

"How far along are you?" Sam asked. "How far along is she? Really? That's what you ask?" Dean said annoyed. Sam sighed and looked to him before turning back to you. "Um..." You couldn't remember. "She doesn't even know. How has this been going on under our noses for so damn long?" Your oldest brother went on.

"Well I'm sorry, I just found out today, and it wasn't exactly traditionally." You retorted. "Talk in Heaven has been going on for a little over a month." Cass said. "Talk in Heaven?" Sam asked. "Yes. According to Heaven's rules, the baby is far worse than an abomination. The angels will be after it." The angel explained. "Would that be such a bad thing?" Dean asked.

"You know what? I'm gonna go check on Jack." You said before storming out of the room, then Cass went on. "It would be a very bad thing, Dean. They will be after Y/N until she gives birth, and they will stop at nothing to get that baby. They will kill her."


Jack walked a ways into the woods and paced there. But stopped and realized that this is all his fault. He ran a hand through his hair and let out a stifled cry. He fell to his knees, sobbing with his face in his hands. "I'm so stupid." He cried. He sat there, tears steaming, for what felt like hours, but couldn't have been more than forty-five minutes.

"Jack?" You called out when you closed the bunker door behind you. There was no answer. You looked ahead of you to try to see if you could find him. "Jack?" You yelled a little louder. Still no answer. Whenever someone was arguing, Jack would go to this one spot out in the woods.

*2 Months Earlier*

"Y/N!" Dean's voice boomed across the bunker. You were playing a video game with Jack, and were laughing so hard that when you heard Dean's voice you let out a squeal, and paused the game. "Well, as you can hear, I'm being summoned. I'll be back." You said, heading toward the door. "And you better not start it without me." You added.

"I might. You should probably go so you can get back in time." He teased. "'You should probably go so you can get back in time.'" You mocked, giggling as you walked down the hallway. "Yeah?" You answered as you swung yourself around the corner. "You left the cereal out." He said, pointing to the box of (your favorite cereal) and the milk on the table.

"Seriously? That's what all the yelling was about?" You asked, annoyed as you went to go put it back. "Yes. Seriously. It's not that hard. Eat, then put it away." He said as he took a bite of his sandwich. "If it's so easy why couldn't you have done it?" You retorted. Dean set his sandwich down on his plate, picked the plate up,  threw the food in the trash, and slammed the plate into the sink, causing a loud crash.

You sighed. "I know this is about me hanging out with Jack." You said in a singsongy voice, you grabbed a carrot from the fridge and bit into it with a loud crunch. "You're spending too much time with him." He said slightly raising his voice. "Is that so?" You asked. "Yes." He said with a hint of sass in his voice. "Well, maybe I just wanna hang out with my friend." You said back.

"You're falling for him. I can see it." Your brother argued. "No I'm not, Dean. We're just friends. Best friends, if you want me to be more specific." You argued. "Just friends." He mumbled. "I don't know if you've noticed, but I don't really have any other friends in my life." You said, frustrated. "Sure you do. You have Sam, Me.... Claire....." he tried, to which you rolled your eyes. "Yeah, and how often do I get to see her, Dean? Like once in a full moon?" You pushed back.

"You text..." he brought up. "No. We don't. She's always on some sort of hunt. I can't bother her unless needed." You said back. "Now, I'm late for a gaming session." You added before beginning to leave. "You need to take a break from him, it's getting... weird." Dean said, stopping you.

"You know what, Dean? I couldn't care less about what you have to say." You raised your voice. Your argument turned into bickering back and forth until Sam walked in and told you that he couldn't listen to it anymore, so you headed back down to your room. You opened the door with a sigh. "Alright, You rea..." you started, But Jack was gone. "Jack?" You yelled.

You opened the door and shouted down the hallway. He didn't answer. You stormed down the hall, through the kitchen, and past Dean. "Thanks, Dean. You scared him, so I'm going outside to look for him." You told him. You rushed out into the front yard. Jack had done this before, so you thought you would just look in the usual spots.

You looked in every place except for one, this was your last hope. You walked into the woods, and  you found that familiar area that was cleared out. "Jack?" You asked calmly. You looked down to see him in the middle of the circle, sitting on the ground with his legs crossed. "Hey, I'm sorry about that." You said. "It's okay. Dean doesn't like me, and I get it. I'm Lucifer's kid. I just don't like listening to angry people." He said.

"I know." You replied as you sat down next to him. You rested your arm on the leg that was closest to you and leaned your head on his shoulder. It's unbelievable that someone so sweet is the son of Lucifer, but especially that Dean wouldn't just accept him. You sighed. "Even from the video game?" You asked after a pause. He chuckled. "Good, 'Cause we have an angry city to save." You said giving his leg a pat before standing up.

*Present Time*

You walked through the familiar wooded path that was slowly created by walking on it on so many different occasions. They weren't all bad, either. You have tons of beautiful memories down here. Jack even named it. He said that he wanted it to be called something that reminded him of you whenever he was sad. He named it: "Vida's Forest." He said that "Vida" means "my love." His mom taught him that. So, put the two words together, and you get "My Love's Forest."

As you made the journey you thought about all the times you and Jack would come down into the woods to get away from everything. Sometimes it would end with you laying on the ground from laughing so hard that you didn't see a branch or something. As you got closer, the sound of heavy breaths got closer and closer. Finally you reached the spot. "Jack." You whispered, you ran to him. He was sitting with his arms wrapped around his legs. His knees were dirt stained, and his face was buried in his legs.

You carefully and slowly lowered yourself to the ground. You sat in the same position as your love and leaned against him. "Why do I have to be so dumb?... This is all my fault." He cried. You sighed and kissed the side of his head, right above his temple. "This is not your fault, Jack Kline. And I want you to know that no matter what happens, I love you so much."  "I love you, too." He replied.

That was one thing you love about Jack. No matter how bad of a day he had, and no matter how upset he was, he would always tell you that he loves you. "I can't go back in there,
Y/N." He said turning his head to the side to look at you. "Me neither." You replied. You laid back on the dirt and looked up at the sky through the trees, Jack soon followed. You turned your head toward him. It hurt you to see how puffy his eyes were from being so upset. All you wanted was for him to be happy. You snuggled up close to him and soon drifted off to sleep.

🐾🥀I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you next Saturday.🥀🐾

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