Keith {6}

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I was sat in the living room when there was a knock on the door.

"Can you get that?" Shiro yells from the kitchen. I sigh and get up, walking to the front door. I open the door to see Lance and Hunk. Lance waves at me.

"Hi Keith, is Shiro home?" Hunk asked.

"Yeah, I'm here. What's up guys?" Shrio said from behind me.

"Well, Lance and I went with 'llura to hers to help her get ready for her date with Romelle and we left my car at school so we kinda have no way to get home..." Hunk said, trailing off.

Shiro chuckled before inviting them inside. "Come on in you two, I'll drive Hunk to the school so he can pick up his car and Keith?" He said, turning to me. "Could you drive Lance home on your bike?"

I looked over to see Lance's eyes widen. "I guess so? As long as he doesn't mind riding on a motorcycle." He said with a shrug. I saw Hunk elbow Lance as he whispered something in his ear. Lance signed something back before Hunk turned to me.

"He said he's okay with it." Hunk said. Lance started to freak out. He started to sign furiously at Hunk while Hunk and Shiro just laughed. "Oh yeah. Also, do you two want to come hang out with the gang this weekend?" Hunk asked, ignoring Lance.

I turn to Shiro as he answed. "Yeah, it has been forever since we've all hung out, and this time we'll have Keith. Tell me the details in the car." He said.

"Yeah I would love to go, thanks for asking me." I said to Shiro.

"See? All good." Shiro said. "Come on Hunk, let's go."

They walk out the door after Shiro grabs his keys and puts on his shoes. I turn to Lance. "So... shall we get going...?" I ask. 'Damn, I am so awkward.' I think to myself. Lance nods at me and turns to open the door. I grab my keys and we head outside. "Here, you might want this." I say passing him my helmet. Lance tilted his head to the side. I had to admit, it was pretty cute.

"I'm not sure what you're asking." I say.

Lance's eyes bright up as he takes out his phone and opens contacts. He passes me his phone with an empty contact folder open.

"You want me to put my number in...?" I ask. He nods at me with a smile. After I put my name and number in, I pass him his phone back. A second later, I receive a text.

Unknown number: This way we can communicate!

I look up at Lance. "Smart." I say. He beams at me, typing something in his phone.

Unknown number: What I was asking earlier was what about you?

Unknown number: Don't you need a helmet?

I look at Lance after reading the texts. "Technically, yes, I need a helmet. But I'd rather you be safe then me. I'm fine getting scolded, plus, I know how to ride this thing. It's all good." I said.

Lance looks at me skeptically.

Unknown number: Okay then....

"Come on, hop on." I said, getting on my bike. Lance looks at me with a little fear in his eyes. "Its perfectly safe, I promise." I said, offering him my hand. "You trust me, right?"

Lance laughs silently, taking my hand. I pull him onto the bike behind me. Once I know he's secure and his helmet is on, I start the bike.

"Before we head out, I need to know where I'm taking you." I said with a chuckle. After a second, I hear my phone ring. Lance texted me the location of his house.

"You might want to hold on." I said jokingly. To my surprise, Lance puts his arms around my waist.

"And we're off!" I exclaimed as I drive out of the driveway.

About halfway to Lance's house, I feel Lance's arms tighten around my waist and he rested his head on my back. "You okay back there?" I ask when we hit a red light. I feel Lance nod. "We're halfway there buddy. Don't worry."

The rest of the ride was Lance occasionally tightening his grip when we went faster and myself asking him if he was okay.

"Well, here we are." I said whilst pulling into his driveway. I turn off the bike and turn around to look at Lance. "You can let go now." I said with a chuckle. His face went red. 'Does he have a fever?' I thought.

"Need me to walk you to the door?" I asked jokingly. Lance shook his head no, his face red. "Are you okay Lance? Your face has been awfully red, do you have a fever? Are you sick from the ride?" I said, interrogating him.

He looked at me and started to laugh silently again. I give him a puzzled look.

Unknown number: I'm fine silly

Unknown number: You don't need to worry your pretty little head, I'm fine.

I look up to see him smiling at me. I give him a smile back as he goes to type something else.

Unknown number: Thanks for the ride Keith

Unknown number: I'll see you tomorrow?

I look up and smile at Lance. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Lance smiles back at me before walking up to his house and opening the door. He waves at me before going inside. I wave back, a smile on my face.

I turn around and get on my bike. 'Time to go home.' I think to myself.

Time skiperuno

As I pull in the driveway, I note that Shiro isn't home. 'Huh, that's odd.' I think. I park my bike in the garage and leave my helmet with it. I go inside and head to my room. I close the door behind me and flop on my bed. I take out my phone and find I have a new text.

Unknown number: I wanted to thank you again for driving me home and I can't wait to see you tomorrow! Bye Keithy!

I smile to myself and chuckle. I open a new contact and put in Lance's number. I text him a reply after.

Edgyemo: Anytime time Lance, I can't wait to see you tomorrow either. Bye Lance

I put my phone down as it rings. I pick it up again to find a new text.

Prettyboy: Actually, what are you doing? Want to text?

Yeah, okay, so, my brain is stupid. I thought next Saturday was the first Saturday of the month, smh. I can be so stupid sometimes, haha. Here's the next chapter and I'll either have one for you this Saturday or the next. Thanks and have a great day! (Or don't up to you)

Finding you (soulmate au and mute! Lance)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin