Chapter 5

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Angel’s hand slowly dropped bringing the pistol down with it. Only a few feet away from him stood the man he was certain he would never see again, hell he had gotten comfortable with the idea. He had welcomed the thought of being alone. Angel was angry, frustrated, sad, and maybe just a little bit happy. Alastor had come back for him after eight years, almost nine. Alastor moved to take a step forward. Angel raised the gun and aimed it for Al’s chest. 

“I have half a mind to shoot you where you stand. You don’t get to come back and just act like nothing happened.” Angel’s voice was shaking as the words poured out. He stepped forward enough to press the barrel into the other’s chest, right over where his heart would be. Assuming the asshole still had one. 

“Angelo please I can explain-” Alastor’s grin widened, Looking down to the gun as Angel cocked it back. 

“You wouldn’t know, but it’s Angel now. I disowned my father after he disowned me, and before you try to get all sentimental about it, I didn’t choose the name because of you. Some rando gave me the name.” Angel grimaced at his own venom laced words when he saw shock across the others face. 

“Angel…” Alastor’s voice was soft. He grabbed the barrel of the gun and moved it a little bit. “Ya, damn well know better. If ya were trying ta kill me you’d shoot me right here…” Alastor’s other hand came up to gently touch Angel’s face. 

Angel just stared, his face softening. He had missed Alastor so much. Angel felt himself slowly closing his eyes and lowering his gun. Alastor very cautiously stepped closer and pulled their foreheads together. Ignoring all the blood still covering Angel. 

“Fucking eight years...I can’t just forgive you Al… We ain’t just gonna go back to how it was. I-I… I can’t believe…” Angel dropped the gun and brought his hands up to grip the fabric of Alastor’s shirt. “I just…” Alastor held Angel’s hands in his.

“I know sha… I don’ expect ya to. I got a lot of explaining to do. I just want the chance ta’.” Alastor reached a hand up and brushes a cluster of hair behind one of Angel’s ears. “I wanna tell ya why it took so long. Why I had to be in hiding. Everything. It’s time for the truth… But ya know… You didn’t keep ta your promise either…” Alastor smiled even when Angel shot him an angry glare.

“The fuck you mean?” Angel tried to take a step back but felt an arm around his waist. 

“You promised ta come hunt me down if I didn’t come back.” Before Angel could say anything, he was being pulled back by his shoulder. Aurick had pulled them both apart and was holding his own gun at Alastor. 

“Aurick, it’s Al-” Aurick just stepped in front of his little brother. 

“Yeah I fucking know who it is. Fucking asshole.” Aurick was grinding his teeth, his words coming out as a hiss. Alastor rolled his eyes and stepped closer to the shorter man. The gun ending up pressed against him. “I will fucking shoot.” 

“You both act as if it’s a threat…” The laugh slipping from Alastor was dark. “I knew coming back was risky, I’m prepared to die. So long as I got to see my darling Angel one more time.” Alastor held out his arms. “I saw him. My last wish fulfilled. Go ahead Aurick.” Aurick and Angel just stared at the brunette. Something had most definitely changed in Alastor. Angel snapped out of it when Aurick groaned and lowered his gun. 

“Fucking hell. You always freaked me the fuck out man… Angelo let’s go.” Aurick tried to grab his little brothers arm, but Angel didn’t move. He just stayed staring at Alastor. 

“How’d you get here…” Angel folded his arms across his chest. “How did you know to come here.” Aurick stared at the younger, questioning him.

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