"Mum, George was the first person who ever truly loved me for me! I've never had that from anybody before, especially not from you and dad!"

"Sadie... I-is that how you really feel?" Now her voice was breaking.

"God yes, mum! Do you not see that you and dad have been placing unrealistic expectations on me for my whole entire life? You have always expected me to go above and beyond in school, at home, in my social life, and it's all too much! You've always provided me with the best of everything, schooling, cars, nannies and all that, and I appreciate it. I really do! But all I ever really wanted- all I ever needed was genuine love and support! A mum and dad who actually took time off of work to be with me!"


"Oh Don't you dare try to deny it! It's all true and you know it!" I cried.

"Sadie you're my daughter and I care about you! I have always cared about you!"

"Believe it or not I don't doubt your love. I just know my place. I know that your job and your reputation mean much more to you than I do."

She was speechless. What could she say?

"Just admit it. You're not concerned about me. You're more concerned about your perfect little life falling apart at the seams because of your disappointing slut of a daughter." I couldn't believe I was actually saying all of this out loud.

"Do you remember when we were looking at houses? When you found out that George and Olivia would be our neighbors?"

She shook her head.

"Cause I remember! I remember you mentioning how wonderful it'll be to be part of a former Beatle's social circle. I remember you mentioning how it'll be a great bragging right at your fancy parties...."

"I...I suppose I-"

"Funny to think about now, isn't it? I bet when you said all of that you never would have thought that you'd end up being the grandmother of George's child." I chuckled.

"Oh, and another thing! If your friends question you about the newspaper headline, you can go ahead and tell them that I fucked John Lennon too."


"Just want to make sure you have your facts straight."

"I've heard enough." She scoffed, throwing her purse down onto the floor. The contents of it clattered around the tile, making a loud enough noise to make me flinch in fear.

"It's clear that you harbor a lot of resentment towards your father and I." She spoke with glassy eyes, her voice shaky and meek.

"Perhaps we could have done better job raising you, but we we're only doing what we thought was right."

"Well clearly it was wrong." I mumbled.

"I see that, thank you." She almost cracked a smile.

I looked over to her and saw the sadness in her eyes. I could also see the slightest hint of guilt.

"I'm sorry, Sadie. I'm sorry we weren't there for you more."

"Thank you for that." I retorted. "But it's okay. I have George now..."

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