Chapter 1

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Loki was sitting in his room in his jotunn form reading a book from Migard. He loved being in his original form when not doing any deeds around the palace, the only ones knowing about his true self were his parents, a few trusted guards and a few servents. Who wouldn't blabber about this secert and if were to they would be punished.

Knocking came from the door followed by "Loki may I come in?" he knew the voice well being his mother. Putting the book down he responds "yes mother you may."

The door opens as Frigga comes in and closes it "We've found good suitors for you. Would you like to look."

Loki rolls his eyes "Mother their just going to be like the others, when I showed this form to them they called me horrible names and left. They only care for my Asgardian form not the real me.."

Frigga sits down next to him wrapping her arms around him "I know my son and I'm sorry for that. Though you know that you'll have to pick the next king to rule with you dear or me and your father will have to choose for you."

Loki nods "I know mother. I think I may have an idea."

"oh, what is it?"

"I'll announce it at dinner. Please tell father and the suitors."

Frigga nods her head "I will." she kisses his cheek quickly before leaving.


Thor was sitting at the table with the other fifteen other suitors along with the king and queen waiting for the announcement from the prince most he didn't know the names of but four he knew well there was Kari, Ingmar, Hagen, and Raynor.

"Wonder what it is that the prince is going to announce." Raynor questions

Hagen scoffs "he's probably just going to announce how he'd picked me to become the next king." the others roll their eyes Hagen was so full of himself. Thor questions if he wants to marry the prince for him or to just rule over Asgard.

Loki walks into the room as his Asgardian self having beautiful white hair, lovely red eyes to make anyone melt by just looking at them, and his pale white skin wearing a blue dress. "Greetings everyone as my mother has told you I have an announcement to tell you."

The suitors nod understanding listening to him speak.

"For anyone one of to be my mate and next king of Asgard I have a challenge though think of it as a game." Holding his hand out showing magic as it started to form showing an albino cat with a golden ribbon around it's neck along with key hanging from the ribbon "My lovely kitty Hulda. Has a key around her ribbon that holds the key to a special garden of mine, whoever catches her first and gets the key will be my husband."

The room was silent for a second before Hagen spoke up "That's impossible! No one can get your cat not even king Odin."

Thor looks at the man across from him "You shouldn't be disrespectful to his majesty Hagen. It's his choice."

Kari speaks up to "That's right you shouldn't his challenge his rules!"

Other suitors speak up as well in agreement. Loki smiles "If you think you can't do it you are free to leave."

Hagen growls in his seat crossing his arms "Yes your majesty."

"Good. The challenge will begin tomorrow morning at eight o'clock." Loki takes some food before making his leave "I'll eat in my garden the view of the kingdom is beautiful there."

"Okay son."

"Make sure to have one of the servants bring the plate to the wash when done."

The king and queen replied. With that everyone started to enjoy their meals until seeing Hulda come walking in jumping up onto Frigga's lap a few of the alphas murmur about the cat a few getting up but Frigga puts a hand up "You know what my son said the challenge starts tomorrow. No one shall touch the cat before then." she says sternly having the suitors sit back down.

Thor looks at the cat with curiosity the cat was indeed very lovely as she slept on the queen's lab. The ribbon around her neck was made of golden silk, he smiles "this challenge I know will be fun and annoying if she's anything like her owner."

Hulda opens one of her eyes hearing what Thor said and if looked at closely seemed to have a bit of a smile on her face.

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