I soften my expressions. It's not that bad once you get pass the proposal atmosphere but its truly beautiful here.

Once the food arrived, we just started talking about everything that pops in our head.

Favorite songs, movies, work..

"Tell me about life in the dorms?" He asked, sipping on champagne.

"It was.. alright. We was pretty busy at times so we didn't really have much bonding time."

Half true, half lie.

"I heard speculations that you guys were in a open relationship or that you and Jisoo was dating before you and Lisa."

I put my fork down. "What?"

"Yeah, basically the rumors was saying that you guys were in relationships when it wasn't part of the contract."

"People was that nosy in own life?"

"Fans and koreaboos will do anything to find any piece of information about you that no one knows about."

I nodded slowly.

"Well, was you?"


"In an open relationship."

I took a swig of my beverage. "It's ... complicated."

"We all friends here." Kai said, leaning in a bit.

He changed his position by putting his elbow on the table and his face in his hand.

Something in my gut tells me to not trust him, that any information I say about my past can be in vain for the girls.

"We had to keep this friendly image for the fans by being extremely close to one another, more than some intended."

He nodded his hand. I guess he wants me to continue.

"Basically, arm clutches when we are departing somewhere, close proximity, frequent hand holds... it was all part of YG's plan."

"Really? So the theory about you all being in a relationship by choice is debunked."

I nodded, looking out into the distance.

"What about you and Lisa?"

I did a quick side eye to see he was smirking.

Okay, I came for brunch, not to be fucking interviewed.

It was getting a bit hot so I drunk the rest of the contents in my glass before pouring some more.

"What about us? Why are you suddenly questioning me about my life story?" I quizzed.

"I'm just getting to know you Jen."

I cringed on the inside with his nickname for me.

A lady went up to Kai to whisper something in his ear.

I took this advantage to look around the room. Something smells fishy in here and its not what's on this expensive plate.

That's when something shiny caught my eye behind Kai along with a red dot.

I quickly looked away. I am being recorded.

Fuck. I should have listened to Lisa's advice, who knows what he would do with the information I just said.

To be honest, I didn't really say anything bad to jeopardize anyone's career so if word does gets out, nothing will happen.

"Jennie. How about a quick stroll to the nearby park?" He coaxed.

"No, I really should be headed home. I do have some errands to run soon." I told him, getting myself ready to leave.

"I insist. Come on! It's a beautiful day out."

Do I really want to go to the park with some strange man who is probably squeezing me for views and clout?

Ugh.. I really don't have a choice do I?

I sighed. "Let me use the ladies room first."

He nodded and I walked out the VIP.

Now, I have a chance.

I went into the bathroom and dial Lisa.


"Calm down. I am in the bathroom. I need you to get one of our spare cars and come pick me up." I said in a soft voice.

"Why are you whispering? DID HE KIDNAP YOU?"

"No Lisa, I just need you to-"

"DON'T WORRY BABY! PAPA'S COMING!" Lisa interrupted, hanging up the call immediately.

I huffed. Not even going to lie, I expected her to act that way.

I handled my business in the stall, washed my hands and made my way to the door before a woman bumped into me.

"Sorry, Excuse me." I told her politely but the girl had other plans in mind.

"OH MY GOD! You're the famous Jennie Kim! AhHHhhhH! Can I take a photo of you?"

I stepped back slightly and smiled. I certainly did not expect this person to be in an expensive restaurant, especially when you have to sign in days in advance.

Time to be an idol again.

"Sure. I don't mind."

The girl pulled out her phone, pressed some buttons that I couldn't see and held it up arm distance away from our faces.

"Hi Guys! Welcome to my live..."

Wait what?

"I am here to confirm the theories about Kai and Jennie dating. Ms. Kim.. is that true?"

"You.. you said you wanted a picture and that is certainly not true! Where did you hear that from?"

"Its trending all over Twitter and Koreaboo. Guys, I think she is in denial."

I started to panic. I have never been in any controversy every since the tree kissing incident last year and I am not planning to start another one.

"I-I have to go." I stuttered and ran out the bathroom.

Just in time, Lisa pulled up in one of our newer cars with a dark blue color and the windows heavily tinted.

I jumped inside the car and slammed the door quickly before anyone could see Lisa.

"You won't believe what just happened." I started.

Before I could finish, she plopped her phone in my lap, didn't say a word and started to drive off the venue.

I picked up the phone and my face changed into pure terror.


(BREAKING)EXO's Kai and BLACKPINK's Jennie Are Dating?

(BREAKING)EXO's Kai and BLACKPINK's Jennie Are Dating?

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I'm Fucked..

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