Good Girls Love Bad Boys

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It's been so  long since I've written a story !! sorry  i  haven't uploaded. This is a new story  and i  want people to  read it. it's called Good Girls Love Bad Boys

Have you ever felt like your life is just repeating itself everyday? Like it’s all in slow motion and you just want your life to be interesting? Well if you do that’s my life. Hi I’m Shelby and I’m 16. Everyday is the same for me. I wake up brush my teeth and go to school then do insane hours of homework and then go to sleep. If im lucky I go a friends house. Other than that my life is the same all the time and was always boring until one day I met this guy and my life took and unexpected turn.

Chapter One

            I woke up in the morning to the loud alarm clock screaming at me. I slammed it as the sound stopped. I got out of bed freezing. After all it is November.  I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and showered. Then I got dressed and did my make up like every morning.

 Shelby’s out fit

            I went to my backpack and I realized that I didn’t finish my physics homework. Great, another thing that I need to think about during French. I thought. I went downstairs to find my mom and dad chatting away on their cell phones like always. They are both lawyers and they barely have time for me or for each other. Sad right?

            “Mom, dad, I’m going to school.” I said walking out then door. Notice how there was no goodbye or ‘Have a nice day Hun!’.  I went to my car and went to go pick up my best friend, Kylie. She came out and went into the car.

            “Hey what’s up?” she said.

            “Nothing the usual: My parents don’t give a damn and I have to go to school. My life is so freakin’ boring.” I said as I started driving to school.

            “Shelby stop being like that! I’m sure your parents care about you or at least pay attention.” Kylie said.

            “The only thing they care about is that stupid law firm that they work at and the stupid blackberries that aren’t even the good ones. Like would it kill them to givie me a speck of attention?! Like really? I am their only child and they only wanna chat on their cell phones! You know what I want to do with those phones? SHOVE ‘EM UP THEIR ASS’!” I replied not paying attention to the rode.

            “SHELBY WATCH OUT FOR THAT GUY!!!!” yelled Kylie. I screamed as I hit him and swerved into the parking lot. I  jumped ou t o f the car  to  see the guy  on  the ground.

            “Oh my god! Are you ok?” I said kneeling next to him.

            “Yea, you just tapped me.” he said. He showed me the bruise on his leg.

            “That doesn’t look like a tap. Can you feel this?” I said as I massaged his leg. As I looked into his eyes, I realized he was really hot.

            “Yea. I can.” said the gorgeous guy with a smile. I helped him  up.

            “So are you new? I’ve never seen you  around before.” I  said.

            “Yea. I’m  Lucas. I just  moved here from  New York.” Said Lucas.

            “I’m Shelby.” I s aid.

            “I guess I’ll see you around.” aid Lucas.

            “Definitely.” I said walking to my car.

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