Chapter 1: A Lovely, Sad Beginning

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Once upon a time. In a far away land, lived a rich and fair kingdom called Evergreen. A place that is home to a nurturing love for plants, and trees, and fauna. They loved nature as much as the king and queen, who rule with a kind heart. A proud king Asreal ruled with his lovely wife, Queen Lilith, for many years. Keeping their kingdom going with a firm, but nurturing passion.

Asreal was a fine hedgehog male with red fur like the flame and eyes green like the forest. His quills were laid flat against the back of his head only letting two tiny strands stick out on his forehead. He wore a dark gray tunic with a green sash across his chest and slunk over his right shoulder with the mark of the Evergreen royal crest in the middle. He wore brown boots with iron tips and heels and a custom gold crown to fit his head just right. The crown had a big emerald gem in the middle with tiny white diamonds surrounding the gem and all around the edges from top to bottom, and all around.

Queen Lilith was a beautiful silver colored hedgehog who's quills almost reached her tail in the back and held tightly with a small tie just a few inches above the tips. And her eyes, yellow like the color of the sun. Her bangs were brushed aside and held back with her gold tiara. Just like her husband's, her's had a big emerald gem in the middle, and many tiny diamonds encrusted all around the gem, but only the gem. She had a two more on both sides of the big emerald. Two tiny emerald gems on each side of the tiara. She wore a long dark blue gown with long sleeves that hung a few feet from the floor with gold colored ribbon sewn along the ends of her V-neck collar and sleeves. A long golden sash wrapped around her extended waist and tied in the middle with a small silver buckle. A dark green sash was wrapped around her chest and hung over her right shoulder with the royal crest like Asreal's.

That's right, the queen was pregnant. Asreal and Lilith had dreamed for days, months, and years for this to finally happen. They had asked many doctors across their kingdom to help. Some had told them that it was unfortunate for her to bare a child. Other's say differently. Yet, they kept their hopes up for a chance to be parents to happen. One day, Asreal, along with the castle help, and the kingdom, had gotten news from Lilith that she was finally with child. It was only a thought, but after checking with the few doctors who had helped them longer, they finally achieved their goal.

Lilith and Asreal waited patiently for at least a few months till they started to grow impatient. Either their need to see the baby, or the queen's daily doses of mood changes and constant food cravings were wanting them over and done with. But after many months waiting to see what they might have, they finally hit the big day. The poor queen was in tears from the pain of child birth, and the king sadly couldn't go in to help her because he was told to wait outside while the midwife delivers their child. The screams were agony for Asreal. He wanted to go in and help her. The few maids that were around to assist in brining more water, or towels were there to try and comfort the much as they could.

Finally, the sound he had wanted to hear. It wasn't his wife's cries, but a baby's cry. Asreal had finally heard the sound of his child and he was so happy to hear that the baby was alive. After the midwife had cleaned up both baby and Lilith, she let Asreal in to see his daughter. They had brought a princess into their family. The baby hedgehog looked so much like her mother and father. Her fur was a lovely colored pink and her eyes, once she was able to open them, were a lighter green color. Once they saw her, both king and queen had immediately fallen in love with their newborn daughter. They had waited to see what the gender was, but Lilith decided the name already. A mother would know the gender before birth, or that's what she would tell him from time to time.

Asreal and Lilith gave birth to Princess Amaryllis Roselle.

Several years would pass with the princess growing up beautiful, and carefree child. Amaryllis, or what she would sometimes like to be called "Amy", would walk around the castle playfully having fun scaring a few servants by popping out from around the corner and say "boo!", other times she would walk around the garden of her castle with her maid picking a few roses and daffodils and so on while planting a few more to replace them. One day, she was outside in her garden till she noticed a small peach colored female rabbit walking around a small island of lilacs.

The rabbit girl was a young child wearing a cute orange colored dress with a big flowing skirt that almost reached her toes, a dark orange vest covered her cream colored top and long transparent cream sleeves. Her light brown hair was pulled back into a bun which had a bit of her hair wrapped in a braid around it.

Amy walked over to her and asked why she was there. The small child was startled, but quickly adjusted herself and answered truthfully why she was there. After introducing herself as, Cream La Rabbit, she said that her mother was now a new hired maid and she was there to accompany her to learn how to become a helper of the castle. She was able to sneak away to see the flowers up close after seeing the beautiful garden through one of the windows. Amy wasn't at all upset that she had come out to see her family's garden and even walked around for a few hours talking about what flowers they have and their lives so far.

Their talk was suddenly on hold when both Cream's mother, and Amy's parents were now outside of the castle and walking towards them. The poor rabbit girl was frightened. She feared that she might be in trouble, or even got her mother into trouble. But Amy assured her that everything was fine. With that and the kind smile she gave Cream was able to help her calm herself a little. After the three found the children, they began to ask why they were outside alone with no escort. But Amy quickly ejected by saying that she and Cream were just taking and happily announced that Cream is now her personal lady-in-waiting.

Both parents were shocked at the announcement, including Cream. Lilith had told Asreal for a while that Amy seemed quite sad and alone at times when they were busy with their work, so seeing how this little child had made their child so happy, they decided that it was just fine for Cream to be Amy's lady-in-waiting. They made sure to ask both Cream and her mother if it was alright, and both were a bit weary about Cream being around royalty, but both agreed that it was alright. That moment was one both Amy and Cream would never forget how their unbreakable friendship had started.

Another year went by and Amy was almost six years old. She wanted a special birthday party just for her, Cream, her mother, and her parents to attend. But she will soon realize that her happy thoughts about a party would come to an end. A few months ago, Lilith began to feel sick with a small fever. Nothing too bad for a while, but slowly turned into several long nights of agony. She couldn't get up out of her bed because of how weak her body had felt, and her breathing was much more fast and rough. Asreal had notified any doctor to help his wife, but nothing could cure the poor queen. It seemed that she might've caught a horrible plague from a town she had visited before.

Amy and Asreal watched with heavy hearts as his wife and her mother slowly began to drift away. Lilith was able to give her final message to the two. She would always watch over them and will always love them from heaven. To Amy, she had told her to be kind and not let anyone stop her from doing what's right. Her breath had stopped and her eyes closed forever. Asreal, Amy, Cream, and everyone in the castle, and kingdom were all grieving for the loss of their beloved queen. Asreal made the best for her funeral and had asked to make a special burial for her. A place in the kingdom's graveyard, but a few feet from the other tombstones. A place where anyone could go to give respects to the queen.

The grave was made and there was a large stone statue of Queen Lilith herself just above her body with her name engraved on the golden plaque. Red roses decorated her grave by everyone in the kingdom and a small red rose bud was placed on top of her grave by Amy. She was very sad that her mother had passed, but her words were glued into her mind. She then vowed to be what her mother wanted her to be. A kind, but strong princess who will fight to protect those who cannot.

Only the future will know what is to become of the young Roselle princess.

(Hello! First time making a story on Wattpad. I hope this is okay and it's not too much. I'm always open for any hints on making my writing better, but no harsh criticism please. I'm open to learn about how to be a better story writer, but not if being told in a mean way. Other than that, please be kind and like the story, or if you want, wait for more ideas I have. I have plenty~)

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