Ocean Divided

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'Lex? Mar?" said Treasure, crawling around on the floor looking for her friends. "En?" She asked looking up at Ruse. How dare her friends run off and leave her and Ruse all alone in this dark house! She needed them! And Ruse needed Ben to make her face turn red... Just why did her face do that? It shouldn't... peoples faces only got red when they were sick. So was Ruse sick? Treasure looked at her with worry. No... she didn't look sick at all. She looked tired and worried, and her hair was all out of place, but she was definitely not sick.

"They aren't here Treasure." Ruse said with a sigh as she sat down on a bench. "And they better not come... I do not want them stuck in here too." Her bones felt heavy, her head was throbbing and the entire village was wrought with anger; which made everything that much worse.

Anger was a funny thing... there were so many other emotions connected with it. Fear led to anger... Ruse knew that all too well. Love could lead to jealously and that easily turn to fierce hatred, also known as anger. Frustration was anger as well. People need to learn how to control and separate their emotions... it sure would make her life easier.

"Leeeeeeex!" Treasure called apprehensively as she continued to search every nook and she was tall enough to reach. She looked behind the the bench, under the table and in a basket: But they were nowhere to be found. After about twenty minutes of calling their names and searching for the others she crawled to Ruse and leaned against her legs.

"You sleepy?" Ruse asked, smiling sadly as she picked Treasure up.

"Sad." Treasure said, a ray of light coming in through the closed shutter falling across her small eyes, making them squint.

"Me too..."

“Yes.” She said quietly, but just loud enough so he could hear him. He lent close enough that Alex could feel his heated breath fan against her cheek. Slowly inching closer and closer towards each other, the probability of their lips touching growing by the second.

“Mark! Alex!” A voice boomed through the tree’s. Alex pulled back sharply, taking several steps backwards. Creating distance, much to Mark’s dismay. Mark straightened his posture, turning around to search for the unknown voice.

“Where did you guys disappear off to?” He questioned.

“Well, that’s a long story…” Alex said changing the subject.

Ruse genttly nudged Ben, nodding towards Alex. Ben sighed and said, “Alex, I’m really sorry for snapping at you earlier. That was uncalled for and I’m sorry.” He gave a shy smile and stuck out his hand, “Friends?” Ben asked.

“Friends.” She replied confidently, shaking his hand.

After all was forgiven there was a long and ackward silence. Only the shrill call of birds dared to shatter the deathly calm.

“What is that?!” Mark exclaimed with his eyes wide, pointing towards the trees. Everyone turned searching for the thing that had caught Mark’s attention.

Mark lightly tapped Alex on the shoulder so she was facing him. He cupped her cheek and pressed him lips to hers. Both were unaware of Ruse and Ben watching them and their ‘moment,’ but they couldn’t care less who saw them. This time Mark didn’t let Ben ruin their kiss, and how sweet victory was. A few moments later the blushing Alex pulled away and smilied at the ground.

"Did that happen?" She asked softly.

"I believe so... Elaina." Elam looked back at her from where Mark once was. His sick grin plastered on his face.

"EW!" Yelped Alex, bolting upright. "Ew ew ew ew ew!" She was disgusted by her dream of when her and Mark first kissed, but why on earth had her mind changed it so!? Ugh! Elam was most certainly not there! Alex cringed, and tried to shake it off.

"I didn't do nothin!" Said Dai, backing up with his hands in the air as if he was surrendering.

"N-no-one did anything." She said comfortingly, trying to catch her breath.

"Then why are ya spooked?"

"It was only a dream... I promise."

"Oh..." Dai said with disappointment. A moment later his face brightened, "I brought this for you!" He grinned and handed her a mango.

"Why thank you..." Alex said surprised. "Why are you being so nice?"

"You look like my aunt." said Dai, intensely studying her face.

"Was her name Elainia?"

"Yup! You have her eyes and hair! But she's gone now... and nobody talks much about her."

"Elainia was my mother." Alex said sadly, looking down at the boy. Her mind was racing, she wasn't as alone as she thought! She had a Grandma, a Grandpa, an Aunt and at least one cousin! Whoa... she had already known that Micki and Hannah had thought she was their granddaughter but Dai had just provided the proof Alex needed! She almost had a typical storybook family... that's so weird!

"B-but that means... you could take charge." Dai interrupted, looking at her with wide eyes.

"What?!" said Alex, jumping to her feet.

"Chief and Hannah only had girls, they both are dead now and we think someone killed the chief...So you and me both have a claim to it! And I'm too little."

"Who killed the Chief?" Alex asked with dread already forming. She had a pretty good idea who was willing to kill in order to be in charge.

"Um... Elam. But don't tell anyone please! I would be in big trouble if he finds out I told you."

"Who's in charge now though?" She asked, taking in all this information and praying that what her gut told her was wrong.

"Um... Elam..." Dai said reluctantly. "He's been doing some bad stuff... he made all the people in the Stone village move to ours and he's making everyone who isn't fighting build him a wall around the new village. Oh! And he made them build a new hut... His sister lives there now."

Her gut was wrong, and now her heart was sinking. Shortly after her heart recovered and the anger began to rise, for the first and only time in her life Alex said..."Oh- " (the place where the devil lives.)


Hey guys! Two updates in one week!? Whaaaaa?! Hopefully I will have the next chapter up this week as well.  In the next chapter we shall see what has happned to the boys! :) I love you guys for reading and commenting! If your looking for something to read while you wait for the update I recommend... welp I dunno... but then again there are tons of awesome writers out there just waiting to be discovered.



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