Voltron Newbies First Battle

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Your POV

The girl with white hair and nut brown skin was Allura, and the old guy with ginger hair was known as Corran. He is so old yet he can do some stunts, from what I know is that he is somewhere in his six hundredths and Allura didn't really tell us what used to be her age. They took us to what looked like the main room and she had two pillars rise from the ground in the middle where Allura stands, it was amazing yet cool. Then there was a giant 3D map of the universe, when I looked at the map I was able to read it all. "This is where earth is, our home" I said, Everyone was surprised and shocked.

"How can you read that, it's litterly in Altean language" Pidge asked, I shrugged in response. Was It from when we landed on earth I thought. But what ever it was, it's kinda cool. "Yes, and if Zarkon gets ahold of the lions the whole universe and your planet could be destroyed" Allura said. both Shiro and I shivered at his name, 'Zarkon', the cruelest king of the Galra. And destroyer of planets and life.

She explained who got what lion got what and I was the last, "Now the silver Lion has Pride and always puts others before themselves, their a quick thinker and have a mighty heart as well, Y/N you will be the heart of Voltron" Allura said to me. "Now we don't have the exact location on where the Red lion so we'll have to get the Yellow and Green Lion first" Allura commanded.

"But where's the Silver lion going to be" I asked, Allura turned back to me. "It won't represent it's self yet till you proven to it" Corran commented, I sighed and walked with the rest of the guys to the next room. We were all given armor and Bayard's, and suposibly by bayard was with the lion to. How do I prove myself worthy I thought. After a few seconds later I hear muffled voice outside the castle. "I hope they gotten to the right room," I heard a males voice to itself, I only seen the blue lion laying on the floor. "H-hello who's out there" I asked cautiously, the Lion began to move and look towards me. "Oh it's just the human girl" Blue said without opening it's mouth, I blinked a few times hoping this was all a dream. "Did you just talk" I asked, Blue shifted back also shocked then lowered it's head to me. "You can understand me, now this is new" Blue said happily, he layed again on the ground. I gotten to know blue a bit and the other lions too, Black wasn't able to talk due to his chamber and the other lions just talked but Silver. The silver lion didn't say anything much so she just stayed silent, not only that but I can tell their gender by voice and by them talking about each other.

"How am I supposed to prove myself worthy" I asked the lions, they all thought for a minute. "Well the best answer for now is be yourself and follow your instincts" Blue replied.
"I have to agree with him that's the most reasonable thing" Red agreed with him, Red is more nicer than expected. So how that lions communicated with each other is their bonds and 'Quintessence' which they were built from.

"Y/N, where are you" Shiro yelled out, inside the castle inter coms. Blue pouted and begged me to stay, I wish I could but the tone of Shiro's voice sounded worried. "Sorry guys I have to go" I said placing my hand on Blue's nose to comfort him then left. "Bye Y/N" Blue roared happily, I was just about to enter the main room (where Allura controls the castle) Keith grabbed my shoulders for me to face him. "Where were you Y/N," Keith almost yelled trying not to get mad at me. Fear was the only emotion I felt, Keith has never been this angry with me. "I-i was looking for the voi-" I said getting cut off by Blue. "Don't mention us, it's best you don't tell them yet" Blue yelped, I sighed and looked back at Keith waiting for my explanation. Luckily the others walked in which gave me enough time to think of an excuse. "Keith what are you doing she's already been through trauma" Pidge said glaring at him. Everyone was busy talking to Keith but Allura, Corran and Pidge sat down with me. "Where did you go Y/N" Corran asked, by now I already gotten and excuse. I pretended my headache was very terrible but it actually wasn't bad, "The room was too bright and my head was pounding terribly, so I went to find a resting place" I groaned. Allura and Corran believe me but Pidge suspected something, I could tell she was on to me. "Why are you getting nervous?" Blue asked, I internally groaned which made him laugh. "Pidge is getting on to me what else do you think I'm nervous about" I told him in my thoughts (yes they will be able to listen to your thoughts😆). "Are you sure it isn't because you like her~" Blue purred at me, which made me blush a bit. "N-NO!" I yelped which made him laugh, Pidge seemed to notice my face. "Y/N I think your running a fever" Pidge said placing her hand on my forehead, my cheeks were now burning up like Keith's Jacket. I was not blushing because she was touching my face, HER.FACE.IS.TOO.CLOSE.

My shooting Star|| Pidge X Reader (Discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें