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Pidge's POV

"MISSION FAILED" the screen blared at us for the now sixteenth week, I can't really focus for the past few months because of my missing brother, father and best friend who went on the Kerberos Mission. To top it even worse is that it is gonna be Y/N's birthday tomorrow and I won't be able to give her the limited edition Toothless Onesie and Plushie.

(Sorry if Toothless isn't your favorite character, you can Imagine it being your favorite dragon)

I had saved enough money just to buy them both for her but I since she wasn't around I wore since Toothless was her favorite character, and for the plush I would sleep with it. Lance and Hunk have asked me why I wear it so I just told them 'A friend got it for me'. It's really hard to keep secrets between then and me but it's for the best.

Once we gotten discriminated by Commander Iverson we were dismissed for today and sent to our rooms, it was 8:36 at night. I slipped on to the roof with all my gear and bag of my stuff since I never knew when would be a good time to run away if they found out I was Katie. But besides that I began to listen to the 'alien chatter' on my headphones, I thought I was by myself till I felt someone grab one side of my headphone.

"Did you come up here to rock" A familiar voice said, I jumped back in surprise to see Hunk and Lance himself.

"Oh Hey Hunk, Lance" I said in relief glad the commander officers came to check the perimeter above. "So what are you doing up here exactly" Lance asked. I had to think of an quick excuse, and this is what I came up with. "I'm just star gazing" I said hoping they would buy it, Lance was almost convinced but had to use his brain.

Your POV  (Meanwhile while Pidge, Lance and Hunk are on the roof of the Garrison)

I got back from another battle between the other galra soldier and his buddy, I was beat bad very badly that I had cuts, scars, and bruises all around my body. Shiro only got scar on his nose and his arm got replaced with a futuristic arm made by the galra, It had been for ever since I'd seen Matt and Sam. But I still think of Katie and how I promised how I'll always return to her, but at this point I thought I'll never see her ever again. It frustrated me everyday that I'd never see her again and that she'd be with someone to listen to her and cheer her up, someone to be a shoulder for her to cry on, someone for her to laugh with or make her laugh, someone to hug her and hold her close like there would be no tomorrow, someone to sing her favorite songs with, someone to tell her goodnight, someone to play video games and watch Netflix or watch videos for hour with, ......someone to tell her she looks beautiful in every outfit she tries out. I punched the walls that surrounded both me and Shiro, he tried to calm me down to get me to stop but I never did. 

It hurts... I feel like I'm in pain, tears streamed down my face as I continued to punch the walls but this time it was harder. My knuckles turned red from how hard I punched it, then a sentry came to our cell and took me and Shiro to a room, they had injected some sort of liquid into him and made me watch what they were going to do with him. "No I want to make sure he's awake to feel this" the galra with a bit of white hair said.  Once the other galra sentry going to do something to Shiro the galra with the white hair attacked the other galra sentry knocking him our unconscious, I was token by surprise because he attacked his own kind. "I have set coordinates into his arm so you both can find me" he said as he took off the cuffs off me and unstrapped Shiro who was on the bed. 

"Why are you helping us" Shiro asked. 

"Because not all of us are as harsh and vile as Zarkon now quick before you both get caught" He lightly shoved us as we made our way towards the mini pods, "You don't have to worry about navigating it since it will be set on autopilot to earth" the galra who helped us said. "Why are you helping us," I asked him.  He sighed as he put his hand on the pod's door. "Not all Galra want to hurt other life beings unlike Zarkon, he won't stop till he gets Voltron. And you both are my only hope for now, there's something different about you both that any other person I had met or seen, but now is not the time to talk. You must warn your people before it's too late" he said about to leave but I stopped him. 

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