Chapter Ten: A Trouble-Bearing Ex-Girlfriend

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Chapter Ten: A Trouble-Bearing Ex-Girlfriend

*WARNING: So, if you like OlgaKay, I’m so sorry. Lol And I am NOT an Olga-hater, I promise! She’s awesome. But I needed a “villain” for the story! I really like Olga, so there’s nothing against her here. Just don’t hate on me for making her a bitch, okay? Okay. :3*

A clear, loud knock resounded off the walls in the room. I struggled to open my eyes and rubbed them, trying to figure out who would be knocking at a door at this late hour. I turned my head slightly, wondering if Toby was awake so he could get up and answer the door. He wasn’t. I groaned and pushed the covers off myself. I gently lifted Toby’s arm off my stomach, so I could get up. He stirred in his sleep and turned over, his back to me. Shaking my head, I got up and searched for my clothes that Toby had thrown across the room last night. I blushed just thinking about it.

After I found them, I pulled them on and stumbled out the room, still half asleep. The knocking was continuous now, over and over.

“ALRIGHT!” I cried, and unlocked the door, yanking it open. I put on a frustrated look.

The woman on the other side of the door stares at me for a moment, a look of surprise on her face. I stare back, until she completely shoves me aside and marches into the apartment. I watch her, taken aback, as she makes her way into Toby’s room. I follow.

Toby’s still asleep, lying on his back with his dark brunette hair sticking up everywhere. I smile. He looks so adorable when he’s asleep. I don’t get much more time to just stare at him though, as the brown haired woman shakes him awake.

“Toby!” she shouts, causing him to flinch awake. Her voice has a clear accent. It sounds… Russian.

I instinctively growl. I know who this bitch is. And how dare she touch my Toby.

“Olga…?” Toby asks, staring at her.

“We need to talk.” Then she glances towards me. “ALONE.”

My heart stops. What do they need to talk about? And what is it that I can’t hear?

“No…” Toby says. “Anything you have to say to me can be done with Bella in the room.”

Olga glares at me. “Very well.” She takes a deep breath and says, “I want you back.”

I clenched my teeth. WHAT did she just say?!

Toby just stares at her, speechless. My heart hammers in my chest. What if he wants her back too? She is beautiful. How could he not? What if what we did last night meant nothing to him? Just a one night stand? My heart was starting to break as I watched them stare intently at each other. Tears were stinging the corners of my eyes. What was I supposed to do?

“I…” Toby starts. “Olga, I want you back too…”

Oh no… I couldn’t stop the tears. They started streaming down my face. I blinked them back, only making them worse. I couldn’t stand to hear this. I couldn’t let the man I knew I loved (even if I only knew him for a couple days, I fell in love with him when I first discovered him) confess his love to another woman that wasn’t me. I turned abruptly on my heel and started out the door.

“Bella!” Toby called, but I didn’t respond. I kept walking out until I got to his living room, and plopped down on the couch. I let it go then. I dropped my head in my hands and sobbed. How could he do this?

I heard the muffled conversation continue in Toby’s room until his door opened and someone walked out. “Bella, don’t cry.” Toby said, kneeling down in front of me and trying to remove my hands from my face.

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