🎤 Twenty-Two: Had to Have High, High Hopes For a Tension

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He frowned. "Yes?"

She nodded, her ponytail bouncing up and down. His puzzlement was adorable. Who knew Ravi Malik could be so insecure? "I'd love to go on a date with you."

His eyes widened as his eyebrows hit his hairline. "Date?"

"That's what this was all about, right? Don't worry about Hugo. He'll come around." If not, she would have a serious talk with him. "So this Friday?"

She was already mentally combing through her closet for the perfect outfit. She should ask Alex if she could come over and help. Maybe even whip up a new top or dress. She knew Alex was busy with the drama club, but surely she could find time for her best friend's first date. Eek! A first date. She wanted to jump up and down and scream it to the world.

Ravi swallowed and then licked his lips like he was parched. Doubly adorable. He was nervous! "Uh, I—"

Randy shouted her name, demanding she get on stage. "We needed you ten minutes ago!"

"Okay!" she yelled back. She turned to Ravi. "Let's talk more about this tonight. Get my number from Hugo. No, wait. Get it from Alex." Knowing Hugo, he'd give the wrong number just to be difficult. Brothers, she thought with an exasperated sigh. Thank goodness she had a best friend to cover her back.


Alexx was sprawled on her bedroom floor with her feet propped on her bed and her phone right next to her head. She tugged on her ear, hating the deathly silence in her room. Frustrated, she picked up her phone for the thousandth time tonight.

Georgie: You gave Ravi my number, right??

Freddy: I did.

Georgie: Ughhhh. I know he's not at Playhouse because he left before I did. Why isn't he texting me??

Freddy: Maybe he's eating dinner?

Georgie: At eight-thirty?

Freddy: They eat late? I don't know what else to tell you.

Exasperation poured over her. Couldn't Alex set down her needles and threads for one second and listen? It's like she didn't care that Alexx was practically having a heart attack. Instead of texting, she called. Alex picked up after the first ring.

"Why isn't he texting me, Freddy?" she asked.

Alex let out a slow release of air, and she knew her best friend was tired of reassuring her, but she didn't care. This wasn't some guy. This was Ravi, and it was a pretty big fudging deal that he was interested in her.

Alex finally said, "I thought we've been over this."

"No, you were over it. I'm still here stewing in a big fat vat of worry." She moved her legs and arms like she was making a snow angel in the carpet.

"He's probably doing homework. Shouldn't you be doing some too?"

She turned her head to look at the books neatly stacked near her bed. "I finished all my work."

"Of course you did. I don't know how you have the time," Alex grumbled. "You're just as busy as me, but you're always ahead of things."

"That's because I plan and make lists." She raised her voice over Alex's loud groan. "If you'd let me organize your life, you could be ahead of the curve too. Or at least on time."

"No, thank you," her best friend swiftly answered. "The only time I want to be color coordinated is with my clothes. Not my schedule."

"You're impossible."

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