"I-I'm sorry..."  Harry trailed off, not knowing what more to say.

Malfoy shook his head, "It's ok." He cleared his throat then waved back down to their textbooks, "Right anyways, Amortentia is more than just-"

"Malfoy." Harry cut him off.

The blonde looked up and Harry gently took the beanie from his roommate's bony hands and slid it onto his head.

The Slytherin smiled softly and moved to adjust the gray piece of clothing. Malfoy looked at Harry whose eyebrows were raised. Harry met his gaze and wiggled his eyebrows.

The blonde rolled his eyes for what seemed like the 50th time today, "Piss off Potter, you'll never finish this in time for exams if you keep interrupting me."

Harry shoved his parchments, textbooks, and quills aside, "How about we take a break from studying and, I don't know, play cards or something."

Malfoy's eyebrows rose, "Play cards?" He repeated.

Harry nodded as he acciod a deck of cards, "Yep!"

The blonde brought up his hands and rubbed his forehead, "I could be studying for Advanced Astronomy right now but no, I decided to help saint Potter instead just so we could play cards?"

"Well if you don't want to-" Harry started but was cut off by the blondes laughter.

Harry watched in amusement as the Slytherins shoulders shook as he laughed. Merlin, his laughter was contagious and Harry found himself chuckling along.

One they regained control of themselves Malfoy spoke up, "Sure, yeah. Let's play cards."

Harry smiled stupidly and took out the deck, "Do you know how to play Rummy?" Harry asked.

The blonde shook his head and Harry explained the game to him as he shuffled the cards. Once all the rules and steps were explained and understood, they started playing. They didn't even realize the time until they were on their fifth match.

"What?!" Malfoy exclaimed, smiling, "You cheat! There's no way you won again!"

Harry wiggled his eyebrows and took his cards to reshuffle, "I'm just that good Malfoy."

"Oh bugger off." The Slytherin replied.

Harry opened his mouth to say something but it was interrupted by a knock at the door. Harry got up and opened the door to reveal a very panicked Ron.

"Mate! Where have you been?! The match is about to start!" Ron yelled.

"Shit! What time is it?" Harry asked, looking around for a clock.

"Half-past 4, Harry!" Ron replied.

"Sorry, Sorry, hold on let me get my stuff! I'll meet you down in the quidditch pitch. Give me five minutes.

"Five minutes, Harry!!" Ron said running off.

Harry closed the door and hurriedly went to find his quidditch uniform and broom. He decided to change down at the quidditch pitch as he put his trainers on. His hand was on the doorknob before he turned around, his gaze focusing on the blonde.

"Aren't you coming?" Harry asked.

The blonde looked up at him startled, "I- er no, who is it against?"

"Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw." Harry replied.

"No, I don't think I'm going to go, I haven't gone to a quidditch match in forever, but I was heading to the library anyways." Malfoy said, picking up his textbooks.

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