Chapter 12

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Where was she? She looks around at the unfamiliar place that she was at.

"You are safe." as a figure comes through the door.

Wait a minute is that "Lucas?"

"I'm glad you can now recognize my voice." As she sees his silhouette.

"What happened?" he takes a pillow and he elevates her with it. After some time, Lucas had told her everything that had happened to her.

The more he explains the more everything comes back to her to mind. She can't help but to clench her fists.

"Why did it have to be you of all people to save me?" as she tries to stop the trembling.

"Because I care for you, Olivia."

She was grateful that he had saved her once again. Olivia couldn't believe that Khloe went that far. How much had she hated her all along? Was their friendship even real? She wanted revenge, to see Khloe with her boyfriend behind bars for sure.

She would get a divorce eventually. There was a solution to this after all. At least, for now, she could rest and not worry about going to the streets at night or meeting weird people.

She shouldn't be mean to him as her life was in his hands. Literally he had saved her at her lowest.

"I bought you food." He places a plate on her lap and she digs into the meal whilst he takes a chair and places it next to her bed, and he also starts eating his meal.

"Did you drive us home?" when he comes back.

"Yes, you got discharged but you kept on falling asleep because of the morphine."

" Where are we?"

"We are in the countryside. I thought it would be better if we moved here and get some countryside fresh air."

"How far are we from civilization?"

"Very far Olivia. So don't worry we are safe here. I will show you around when you get better."

Worried? What the hell? I don't want to be at some farm with a guy I met just now! This would make it a whole lot harder to leave! Calm down, Olivia.

"I didn't know that you had this many properties?"

"It's because you have never asked. I have always planned to move here, and I have everything that I need with me and I knew it was time."

After talking for some time she feels drowsy again.

"Lie down you have been up for way longer than you should have been."

Lucas had tried to not let it bother me the way Olivia had looked so done at the fact that we were in the countryside. Surely, she would warm up to him. He wanted them to be somewhere with fresh air.

A new start is what she needed. Also a place where she could be safe. Yet his heartfelt very heavy when he had seen her fists clenched.

Days pass and it is very hard to communicate with her. She doesn't say very much. It seems as if she is in her own world

She was looking a bit better than when she got here.

He always leaves her at a certain time so that he can go paint. The one thing that bothered him was the fact that she bottled up what had happened that day. She didn't let it out, he had assumed what had happened on that day but he couldn't be fully sure. If she wanted to tell him, she would eventually.

He needed to show her that she could trust him. But that would take time. He would wait for her heart to soften so that she could let him in.

Lucas comes back at lunch time and he finds her sitting upright. He doesn't think she even notices him.

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