Chapter 10

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Olivia had waited for Lucas to say something about her tone but he hadn't. He just carried on driving and at the same time, he was humming. How did he manage to be so calm and composed about it? He was so calm about everything and it frustrated the living daylights out of her.

It was almost impossible to tear down his walls, that she couldn't break down.

All she had to do was to study him so that she would be able to break down his walls. Olivia was determined to do that and she would smash him to pieces. "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing in particular." as she looked out the window. She studied the places that we were going to and they looked really nice. They parked outside a building, it was very huge. She followed Lucas as he opened the door.

"Where are we?" as curiosity got the best of her.

"We are at my art gallery." Lucas walked inside and she followed him, she can't help but look around and the paintings are so beautiful they seem to speak with you. "You paint all these?"

"Yes I do." as he is checking for something by the counter. Olivia would admit he was talented alright but what kind of man was he? "what am I doing here?"

"I need an assistant and I think you would be perfect for the job."

She looks at his face and she can tell that he was serious. She was so nervous and excited "are you being serious?"

"Yes, Olivia I mean it." as he looks at her quizzically.

"I'm Olivia and I'm reporting for duty. How may I be of your assistance?" she says it in a high pitch voice, which is topped off with a salute.

"I would like you to clean up this place first." he shows her where to mop, where she should dust the tables and set up.

She starts cleaning and scrubbing making sure that the place is left spotless.

"Olivia come here, I need to show you something of great importance." She puts down the broom and walks over to him. She sees he is looking at a computer screen. "This is the cash register that you will be working on." she nods.

"I will teach you how to cash up, invoice receipts and make online payments so that whilst I'm at the backroom I will be painting and you can be at the front."

"Yes, sir! anything else?"

"I also need you to learn all the paintings and interpret what they mean for the customers" she nods as she listens to him intently. "I want you to explain it to the customers in a way that draws them in and gets them lost so that they are in a different world."

"How am I supposed to do that?" as the panic in her voice is clear.

He puts his hand on her shoulder "Olivia don't worry you will grow into it and you will figure it out as you find yourself more." She sighs. How was he so sure that she would get the hang of it? What if she became a failure just like she had been her whole life. Maybe you should just go back to what you were best at Olivia and that's just having sex with men.

She shakes her head as the thought of going back to being a prostitute is too unbearable. She had reached her limit before Khloe had screwed her over. She wouldn't have been able to survive even if she wanted to.

"Earth to Olivia please."

"Sorry, Sir." as she comes back to the present.

"Where did your mind wander off to?" She averts his gaze as she doesn't want him to read her more than he had.

"Nowhere." as she clears her throat. He seems like he wants to protest but he stops himself.

"Where were we?" as he tries to regain his train of thought.

The Prostitute and The PainterWhere stories live. Discover now