12. Yeah, we'd fall from grace

Start from the beginning

           "Thanks" He mumbles before taking another bite of his sandwich.

           "So when's your driver coming?" Jason asks, taking a bite out of the sandwich he just picked up.

           Suddenly the doorbell rings.

           Tim gulps down his coffee before saying, "Now, I'm guessing"

           "I'll check it out" Jason says, as he takes another bite out of his sandwich.

           He walks away from the kitchen, going down the hallway to the front door - while still eating his sandwich. He opens the front door to reveal Chris - Tim's driver. Jason nods at him, which Chris returns. "Yo Timbers! We gotta go!" He yells loud enough for Tim to hear.

           "Alright, I'm coming!" He hears back.

           Jason hums.

           "So are you and Mr. Drake...you know?" Chris asks randomly.

           Jason turns to look at him. "Me and Tim? Pft as if. He's just a good friend I'm visiting"

           "Oh...sorry I just assumed since you've been here Mr. Drake just seems very happy" Chris replies.

           "It's cool" He reassures.

           "Okay, I'm here, let's go" Tim says, pulling Jason out of the house. Woah, where did he come from?

           They follow Chris down the building, until their at the car. By the time they reach the car, Jason finishes his sandwich and wipes his hands with his jeans.

            They both sit down inside the car and Chris closes the door for them before sitting in the driver's seat. The car starts and Tim and him remain in silence with Jason can't decide if he finds comfortable or not. But either way, he decides to break the silence after there has been no words between them for ten minutes. "I should really teach ya how to cook, or else ya ain't gonna be eatin' anything"

           Tim snorts. "I think we're better off not teaching me how to cook, if we want to not burn down the whole place" he says.

           "Practice makes perfect" Jason says, grinning at Tim.

           "Don't you dare use that line against me, Jason!" Tim scowls. This line has become an inside joke for the both of them. During the last few days they've become good friends and well this joke became a thing when they were watching TV, and Tim was trying to imitate the guy on TV and it ended up being such a terrible impression, that it was funny.

           "I just did" Jason deadpans.

If Walls Could Talk // JAYTIM (HOPELESS FOOLS #1)Where stories live. Discover now