"Why don't any of you stay dead?!"

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3rd Person:

A hiss cuts through the silence of hell, disturbing Percy of his few moments of peace from drinking fire water to heal his wounds. His sea green eyes look around in alarm before sighing in annoyance. He grudgingly stands up on his wobbly legs, his hair, cloak and clothes still sticking to his small frame as he stares down the monster. His knife, Riptide firmly grasped in his hand, his knuckles turning white. His eyes swirling like a storm.

There in all its glory is Arachne, still alive and furious. All fifty billion hairy legs scurrying towards the 4 year old, a look of rage and vengeance clear as the soils of Tartarus. The spider easily towers over him, 60 feet against his 3 feet is hardly fair. She is screaming at him, venom and spit flying everywhere as she waves around her claws as she gets closer and closer.


Percy tossed his knife at the spider, hopefully injuring it so he could create a weakness that he could kill it when he is up close. What he certainly didn't expect was the knife driving into her mouth and out through the back of her throat, rendering her speechless. She starts to crumble into dust, the sand wafting away in the toxic air. Riptide falling on the glass before returning to his hip, secured in it's sheath. The toddler takes a deep breath in and out to calm his racing heart.

He turns away and starts to walk along side the Phlegethon, river of fire, his cape fluttering behind him. But out of the corner of his eye he sees the stand start to reform. Grain by grain they come together, already forming the legs of Arachne. A sense of frustration and fear bursts out of him in the form of words. The words he thinks are in every demigods' minds at one point in time.

"Why don't any of you stay dead?!"

He quickly runs away, not wanting a round 2 any time in the future. He pulls up his hood while keeping constant vigilance around him, scared of the monsters that are surely watching a delicious ghost walking around on their front porch. His hand never leaving his knife, wanting to be ready when they do strike.

He grows tired as the air is burning his lungs, either from exhaustion or the gas he doesn't know. He takes another sip, feeling the fire run down his throat like drinking a chilli smoothie with every spice in the world. He continues to walk. His goal set in mind as he trudged along the river of hell. Reach the gates. Close it. And hopefully the 7 gets to the other side in time. The sea prince knows he will have to keep it shut on both sides, meaning he will have to sacrifice himself. A sacrifice he is willing to make since he is already dead.

A screech is heard to in the distance, making him turn around in alarm. Screaming so loudly as if being tortured plagues his mind, bringing forth unwanted memories. He thinks of how he got to this point in his death, walking in Tartarus. A place his uncle Hades specifically told, no, ordered not to go. Especially after the incident where he almost fell in if it weren't for Thanatos, who was on his way to the castle. His uncle practically locked him up in his room, with only Kekoa as company and it nearly pulled him panic attack before Zag came in to comfort the toddler. Macy and Melly right behind him.

The child thought of all the demigods that he looked after and comforted, even the traitors that were on Kronos' side in the war. He practically demanded that all the dead heroes and traitors go to Elysium since it was the olympians' fault that they turned in the first place. Hades reluctantly agreed. The raven spent a lot of time defusing arguments and stopping fights between the demigods, but he succeeded in the end. He did offer blue cookies after all.

He also thought of his first monster. How he had changed a lot since then. Not physically but mentally and emotionally as well. His first monster was a Crocotta. An experience he will never forget.

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