"Thank, Gods! I thought I'd never find you."

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3rd Person:

Hazel. That is her name. Hazel Levesque. That is her full name. 13. That is how old she is. Gaea. The immortal tricked her into resurrecting one of her sons before she realised that her mother was going to be the sacrifice. Hazel used her powers to call forth all the jewels in the earth and stopped the rise of the giants but the cave collapses and killed herself and her mother. Marie Levesque. Her mother that became unstable because of her daughter's curse. Her own mother tricked her into using her powers to start the end of the world. Where is she?

Well the answer soon came when she faced the judges of the Underworld after getting a ride from a gondolier. The river and air was filled with screams, laughs, cries and giggles. All bouncing on and off each other like a haunted house filled with happy and sad memories. It creeped her out so much that she tried to flick up her hood to block out the voices of the dead.

Hazel sacrificed her chance to go to Elysium so her mother could be saved from punishment. But not too long after that dark curly haired girl has lost her in the Asphodel Fields. She wraps her arms around herself to keep warm from the chilly air. Her golden eyes downcast at the never ending present of her predicament. She couldn't talk to anyone around her because there was nothing to talk about. The people all seemed to have forgotten their lives. Their names, ages, wives, husbands, kids, pets, siblings, parents, jobs. Everything.

Her dark skins turns more pale and misty the longer she is held in her mind prison. She never stops trying to remember her past, afraid to forget. To forget the only friend she ever made, the cruelty of her mother, the horse riding, the racism, her first kiss, her death. The good and bad parts of her life because despite all the hardships she had endured it made her into the brave, strong 13 year old she was when she died and nothing can take that away from her. Not even the gods.

Out of the corner of her eyes she sees a small flash and turns to see a toddler. A toddler dressed like in those stories she was told about, in the medieval times. The cape blows towards her because his back is turned, hand covering face as if searching for someone. He turns slowly around, looking right past her until he does a full 360 degrees. He huffs before getting on a rock and looking again. He sighs before he sits, looking at the scene of dead people while his hands fiddle with his dagger. His green eyes filled with defeat.

"Who are you looking for?"

The baby jumps a foot in the air before clutching his knife in a defensive position, but after a few moments he lowers his weapon. Hazel has her hands in a surrender position after all.

"Sorry. Um, just looking for a girl, a demigoddess, rather."

The golden eyed girl tilts her head to the side, curiously before sitting attentively beside the fellow ghost. The green eyed boy looks warily at her out of the corner of his eye, before searching the crowds again.

"A demigoddess? What is that?"

The raven smiles at her curiosity.

"A demigoddess is a daughter of one of the olympians like Z-Jupiter, Mars, Bellona, the works. They fight in their name against the ancient monsters of Gr-Rome."

"Wow, she sounds very impressive. She must be very old if you are only searching for her now."

"The olympians are still alive. The demigoddess died when she was quite young, brave nevertheless but quite young. Quite young she was."

The last part he mumbled to himself but Hazel caught it. Her dark eyebrows furrow in thought, a million questions swirling in her head.

"If she died bravely then shouldn't you be looking in Elysium, not the Asphodel Fields?"

Little HeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora