chapter 22

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Harrys Pov

Great my son is scared of me now... Ryan hes a fucking ass whole hes tunning my life what ekse could he possibly do hes trying to take MY wife away from and MY son, he was dating my wife while we were still married, my wife almost had sex with him while we were still married, he dated MY wife before we were married, he's trying to convince MY son that he is his daddy and take my happiness my son my baby boy away from me, he raped MY wife, and he got MY wife pregnant with a baby that isnt mine biologically while we were still married!!! I just have so much fucking anger towards him, towards myself, towards selena, towards tge world i dont know how one man can stay strong with all this going on around him... but i HAVE to for the sake of MY family. As i was in the tent thinking i felt a little head lay down on my shoulder

Preston:" daddy" i was surpise

Me:" hey buddy..."

Me:"... daddys so so so sorry you had to see that"

Preston:" daddy get hurt?"

Me:" no no daddys fine okay. What daddys worryed about is you are you okay?"

Preston:"daddy and wyan beat eachother up... why??" He said with tears in his eyes that had been from all the crying

Me:"... buddy ryan did something to mommy that wasnt okay...and daddy got mad but that was no excuse daddys sorry i should have done that infront of you... okay daddys sorry"

Preston:" okay daddy me still wove you dadda" he said hugging my arm

Me:" i love you to buddy you mean everything to daddy everything..." i said giving his head a long kiss. Then i saw the worlds most beautiful girl come in she still looks hot evrn when shes pregnant

Selena:" i see my two favorite boys are together an okay"

Me:" yes we are"

Selena:" Harry i think now would be a good time to tell our beautiful little baby boy about somethings we've been meaning to talk about to him"

Me:" yes, i think we should too" i helped selena sit down. I decided to start the conversation

Me:" so Preston as youve probably noticed mommy has been very sick latley"

Preston:" mommy no feel good" he said sadly awe my baby boy

Me:"ya, she hasnt, but do you know why she hasnt?"

Preston:"uhm well no daddy" then i gave selenas hand a little squeeze and looked her and she gave me smile nodding her head telling to say it

Me:"well thats because mommy is what is called pregnant"

Preston:"pranet daddy???"

Me:"ya pregnant"

Me:"which means mommy has another baby just like you in her tummy"


Me:"ya a baby buddy"

Preston:"can i see baby?"

Me:"well you cany yet buddy he or shes not ready to come yet you have to wait a couple months"

Selena:"ya which means your a gonna have a little brother or a little sister. The baby will be your first sibling"

Preston:"i wanna see mommy"

Selena:" you can't see yet baby, but you can feel my little bump if want i mean i dont think you can feel it move yet but you can still feel my tiny bump" then presten put his hand on Selenas tummy

Preston:"i cant feel baby mommy. Baby not moving. Shes sleeping" hha we both laughed haha hes so cute!

Me:"haha maybe the baby is sleeping buddy haha and you dont know yet if its a she or a he"

Preston:"yes it is"

Me:"you dont know that yet buddy you could have a little brother"

Preston:"YES IT ISSS DADDY!GOSHHH" selena and i were laughing histerically haha i swear god not only did selena and i create the worlds most cutiest kid but we created the funniest kid haha he cracks me up.

Me:"okay okay buddy we will see"

Selena:"so are you happy your gonna be big brother?"

Preston:"uhhh welll idk mommy"

Selena:"haha you dont know" then Selena picked him up and started kissing him all over his face

Selena:" i love you so so so so much my baby" selena said in a baby voice

Preston:" hahahhehehe mommy haha mommy stop! Hehe" preston said doing his cute little laugh that could just get tears in my eyes at just hearing hes so cute i love my son so much and even though this baby isnt mine biologically i still feel like i have this connection to it. I love that baby its not ryans its my baby! Its apart of MY family. Its funyn how he thibks he can tear apart the women i love from me and my son and my baby there mine!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2015 ⏰

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