Chapter 1

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Harry's Pov

Hello! Im Harry Edward Styles. I am a recording artist along with my other 4 bestfriends Louis, Zayn, Niall, and Liam. I am a husband to my BEAUTIFUL GORGEOUS wife Selena and we are parents to our amazing adorable 5 year old son Preston. My bestfriends have wives too which are my wifes bestfriends Louis is married to Elinore, Niall is married to Demi with there 5 year old daughter Nina, Liam is married to Vanessa, and Zayn is married to Perrie with there daughter lily. What a perfect life we all have untill it happened...

1day Earlier

I was in the kitchen making my family my famous london style sandwhichs for lunch Preston has a half day today so Selena is gonna pick him up on her way back from work. While i was making sandwhichs i was also talking to Niall on the phone

Me:"ya man. I can't imagine what there family is going through..."

Niall:"me ether.... but i guess all we can do is be there for them and their families.." some friends of ours and there kids just went missing and then found dead today in pieces.... its horrible and they don't how it was caused or who caused it they said nothing they know of could have done that...

Niall:"they said they think its a new animal or unknown spieces on this earth that they never have found before im definitely keeping my eyes out i dont need anything like that near Demi and Nina"

Me:"well i can tell you right now im not even gonna let anythingII get near or even put a finger on my wife and son"

Niall:"speaking of Selena what time is she gonna get there with Preston?"

Me:"they actually should be here any minute so i should probably let you. I love you man and tell Demi and Nina i said hi"

Niall:"ya same here man love you too and tell Selena and Preston we said hi too"

Me:"okay i will bye"

Niall:"bye" then i hung up a couple minutes after i hung up i heard to the two most amazing voices

Selena:"honey! Were home!"

Preston:"daddy!!!! Daddy!" He said jumping into my arms oh how much i love my boy

Me:"hey buddy i missed you"

Preston:"im missed you too daddy" as i was hugging my son i my head looked forward to see the most beautiful girl in my life and that there is on this planet my Selena

Me:"hey baby im missed you how was work"

Selena:"i missed you to hun, and work was... well work haha" then she pecked me on the lips

Selena:"i see you made your amazing sandwhiches"

Me:"i did just for my beautiful family" then she smiled back

Preston:"mommy! I wanna go playyyyy" preston said winning

Selena:"not right now sweetie were gonna eat lunch with daddy okay? Now go wash up"

Preston:"yes mommy, then i can play?"

Selena:"of course baby now go wash up" then he ran off to the bathroom

Me:"your ass looks nice in the dress babe" i said slightly putting my hands on her back end

Selena:"Harry, our son is in the room do you really think this is the time for this?"

Me:"okay okay your right your totally right this isnt the place to be doing this, the bedroom is" i whipered the last part in her ear then gave her hot ass a slap. Hey i got the double the full package with Selena shes the beautiful girl ever, she got the best personality, she such a sweetheart and also very sassy at times, shes an amazing wife to me, shes an amazing mother to our son, but... also shes got the most hottest body shes damn sexy and i cant help being a guy and wanted to bang that everynight im so lucky to have her i love her with all my heart.

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