you shall never die . . .

Start from the beginning

"Rebekah loves to banter about family, but save for her, Henrik and I are to sneak out and watch the werewolves transform. Ever since we have arrived here, we could never see them, so tonight we will."

Both sisters stunned at the sudden announcement. Any nerves they harboured were thrown out to be replaced by shock. Ivonna-Rosalie and Rebekah tried their hardest in spoiling their brothers outing, mentioning the dangers of the unknown or the obvious fact werewolves would soon roam the forests, but even so, little Henrik believed it best to follow Niklaus. 

"But Niklaus will be with us." Young Henrik spoke up to Rebekah, "If he is with us, nothing wrong will happen."

Ivonna-Rosalie offered a smile to her youngest brother before moving her gaze to her older brother and took his hand in hers. Rebekah took her sister's other hand as support for her words. "Rebekah is right, Niklaus. I would not want to get both mother and father angry at you both—"

"We will be safe. We can just hide behind something large and watch from afar. You can watch with us, Ivonna. Are you not curious about those people?"

Seeing temptation dance in her sister's dark eyes, Rebekah ripped Niklaus' grip from her dearest sister and roughly pulled Ivonna-Rosalie by the hips to sit even closer to her. The action broke the pair's connection and allowed reason to flood the oldest daughter's mind again. If it wasn't for Rebekah, Ivonna-Rosalie knew she would have followed her brothers into the woods. From behind her sister, Rebekah stuck her tongue out to Niklaus, who held himself back from feigning a punch. 

"Ivonna and I will be staying home while you two attempt to sneak away and not get caught."

Henrik turned to Niklaus with a defeated sigh, who held still held onto one of Ivonna-Rosalie's hand like no time was passing.

"Brother," The ginger-blond zoned back into reality at the call of his name, "we should go now before mother and father return."

Before departure, Niklaus offered a kiss on Ivonna-Rosalie's cheeks — which she reciprocated — before the two of them left their home. "Be safe outside, you two." The two brothers nodded, innocent excitement following at their feet out the safe confines of their home. Rebekah folded her arms over her chest while parting her lips, an exasperated laugh escaping her lungs before she spoke.

"And you say the words of not being fond of Niklaus. I could see the answer of 'yes' dance at the tip of your tongue the more he held you. Then you kissed his cheeks!" 

Ivonna-Rosalie turned to Rebekah with a small smile on her face, unable to refute the truthful words falling from her lips. Denying the truth would only prolong Rebekah's stubbornness on the subject. 

"O, but that kiss is what two people do in greeting one another, that is what mother told me. Would you call mother's words false?" Unable to hide their smiles as they stared into each other's eyes, the sisters held their hands as they fell to lay on their backs, immortal laughter rushing past their lips. 

Moments like these throughout their long days made time more fun. They could act like two girls in privacy without the annoyance of brothers or parents hovering over them.  

"O, you are incredibly cute when we are talking about Niklaus, Ivonna! You are almost like a small cub or wolf!" Raising her brows as she followed in the laughing, the said woman didn't know how to answer as she uneasily nodded.

"A wolf?"

"A cute little wolf that needs to be protected from the world!"

| * | *

"Esther? Where are you?"

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